Tommaso Bruscolini

Neuropsicólogo | Especializado en tratamientos con Cannabis Medicinal

Tommaso Bruscolini (Rimini, Italia) es neuropsicólogo y fitoterapeuta afincado en Barcelona, donde dirige desde 2014 su clínica privada, presencial y online, en la que formula y elabora diferentes preparados con todo tipo de plantas medicinales, además de realizar recomendaciones personalizadas.

Colegiado en el Colegio Oficial de Psicólogos de Cataluña y titulado como Psicólogo Sanitario, está especializado en Neuropsicología, la rama que estudia el cerebro y su función neurológica. Tommaso complementa su formación con estudios de Fitoterapia y Herboristería en el Gremio de Herbolarios de Cataluña y dos Masters, uno en Nutrición y Dietética Herbal y otro en Mindfulness.

En los últimos años se ha especializado en Cannabis Medicinal, a través de formación privada y colaboraciones con diferentes entidades del mundo del Cannabis Medicinal, coordinando durante un año una clínica especializada en medicina cannabinoide, realizando consultas, escribiendo artículos, conferencias, cursos de formación, así como realizando consultas y seguimiento de pacientes.

Actualmente colabora con diversas organizaciones del sector cannábico en España, entre otras cosas es coordinador del área terapéutica de la revista DolceVita España, consultor del portal SmokingMap, colaborador de la Unión de Pacientes por la Regulación del Cannabis (UPRC) y técnico certificado Alpha-Cat para la realización de análisis de cannabinoides.

Lo que más le fascina de la planta de cannabis es la posibilidad que tiene de cambiar el paradigma medicinal y terapéutico actual hacia una visión más holística actuando sobre nuestro cuerpo, mente y estado de ánimo de forma sinérgica.

Published articles

  • Esto es lo que dicen Estudios sobre el uso de aceite de CBD para el autismo

    Here's What Studies Say About Using CBD Oil for Autism

    Tommaso Bruscolini

    What is autism? Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), popularly known as autism, is a developmental disorder that occurs primarily from childhood onwards and mainly affects communicative and social interaction functions and...

    Here's What Studies Say About Using CBD Oil for Autism

    Tommaso Bruscolini

    What is autism? Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), popularly known as autism, is a developmental disorder that occurs primarily from childhood onwards and mainly affects communicative and social interaction functions and...

  • CBD y Miel

    CBD and Honey

    Tommaso Bruscolini

    Union of Cannabis and Honey Beekeeping derivatives have great healing potential and very important nutritional properties . Like Cannabis , honey has been used for more than 8,000 years due...

    CBD and Honey

    Tommaso Bruscolini

    Union of Cannabis and Honey Beekeeping derivatives have great healing potential and very important nutritional properties . Like Cannabis , honey has been used for more than 8,000 years due...

  • 5 Mascarillas caseras con Miel y CBD

    5 Homemade Masks with Honey and CBD

    Tommaso Bruscolini

    Here are 5 quick and easy homemade honey masks that you can make at home, alone, with friends, or with your cat, like us. The other day some friends and...

    5 Homemade Masks with Honey and CBD

    Tommaso Bruscolini

    Here are 5 quick and easy homemade honey masks that you can make at home, alone, with friends, or with your cat, like us. The other day some friends and...

  • Beneficios del Aceite de CBD para tu mascota: Estudios y usos

    Benefits of CBD Oil for your pet: Studies and uses

    Tommaso Bruscolini

    In modern times, many beneficial effects of CBD for human health are still being discovered, especially through the use of oils with different compositions . However, did you know that...

    Benefits of CBD Oil for your pet: Studies and uses

    Tommaso Bruscolini

    In modern times, many beneficial effects of CBD for human health are still being discovered, especially through the use of oils with different compositions . However, did you know that...

  • ¿Qué son los terpenos? Funcionamiento y Beneficios

    What are terpenes? Functioning and Benefits

    Tommaso Bruscolini

    When we talk about the effects and properties of Cannabis we are mainly referring to its main active ingredients , phytocannabinoids such as CBD and THC. However, there are other...

    What are terpenes? Functioning and Benefits

    Tommaso Bruscolini

    When we talk about the effects and properties of Cannabis we are mainly referring to its main active ingredients , phytocannabinoids such as CBD and THC. However, there are other...

  • ¿Es posible tratar el Alzheimer tomando CBD?

    Is it possible to treat Alzheimer's by taking CBD?

    Tommaso Bruscolini

    What is Alzheimer's? Alzheimer's disease is a neurodegenerative disorder that causes neuron loss and a certain degree of brain atrophy that do not correspond to normal aging mechanisms. It represents...

    Is it possible to treat Alzheimer's by taking CBD?

    Tommaso Bruscolini

    What is Alzheimer's? Alzheimer's disease is a neurodegenerative disorder that causes neuron loss and a certain degree of brain atrophy that do not correspond to normal aging mechanisms. It represents...

  • Cómo relajarte con el aceite de CBD para masajes

    How to relax with CBD massage oil

    Tommaso Bruscolini

    What is the best CBD oil for massages? One of the most common ways to use CBD oil for massages is through external application , and it is also the...

    How to relax with CBD massage oil

    Tommaso Bruscolini

    What is the best CBD oil for massages? One of the most common ways to use CBD oil for massages is through external application , and it is also the...

  • Descansa bien con CBD: ¿Funciona contra el insomnio?

    Get a good night’s sleep with CBD: Does it work against insomnia?

    Tommaso Bruscolini

    The phases of sleep and restful sleep Sleep is the most frequent activity of every human being, and is of fundamental importance for the health of our body. As we...

    Get a good night’s sleep with CBD: Does it work against insomnia?

    Tommaso Bruscolini

    The phases of sleep and restful sleep Sleep is the most frequent activity of every human being, and is of fundamental importance for the health of our body. As we...

  • Legalidad y uso del CBD sublingual (debajo de la lengua)

    Legality and use of sublingual CBD (under the tongue)

    Tommaso Bruscolini

    What is CBD and what is it used for? Cannabidiol or CBD is one of the main active ingredients of the Cannabis plant, known today worldwide for its therapeutic properties...

    Legality and use of sublingual CBD (under the tongue)

    Tommaso Bruscolini

    What is CBD and what is it used for? Cannabidiol or CBD is one of the main active ingredients of the Cannabis plant, known today worldwide for its therapeutic properties...

  • CBD para el dolor de rodilla

    CBD for knee pain

    Tommaso Bruscolini

    Among the diseases that can affect the musculoskeletal system , causing pain and inflammation , the most notable are problems affecting the knees, one of the most complex joints in...

    CBD for knee pain

    Tommaso Bruscolini

    Among the diseases that can affect the musculoskeletal system , causing pain and inflammation , the most notable are problems affecting the knees, one of the most complex joints in...

  • Los 8 beneficios del Bálsamo Labial con CBD para la piel de los labios

    The 8 benefits of CBD Lip Balm for the skin of the lips

    Tommaso Bruscolini

    What is CBD Lip Balm? CBD lip balm is used on the lips and sensitive areas to deal with problems caused by the sun, cold and pollution. Thanks to its...

    The 8 benefits of CBD Lip Balm for the skin of the lips

    Tommaso Bruscolini

    What is CBD Lip Balm? CBD lip balm is used on the lips and sensitive areas to deal with problems caused by the sun, cold and pollution. Thanks to its...

  • CBD para el Dolor de Espalda: Propiedades y Efectos que podrían aliviarte

    CBD for Back Pain: Properties and Effects that could relieve you

    Tommaso Bruscolini

    Can CBD Help Back Pain? Back pain is one of the most common medical problems, affecting 80% of the world's population at some point in their lives. Back pain affects...

    CBD for Back Pain: Properties and Effects that could relieve you

    Tommaso Bruscolini

    Can CBD Help Back Pain? Back pain is one of the most common medical problems, affecting 80% of the world's population at some point in their lives. Back pain affects...

  • Cannabidiol: Qué es y preguntas frecuentes

    Cannabidiol: What it is and frequently asked questions

    Tommaso Bruscolini

    What is Cannabidiol? Cannabidiol , also known as CBD , is a natural compound that is neither psychotropic nor psychoactive and has great therapeutic potential. More and more studies and...

    Cannabidiol: What it is and frequently asked questions

    Tommaso Bruscolini

    What is Cannabidiol? Cannabidiol , also known as CBD , is a natural compound that is neither psychotropic nor psychoactive and has great therapeutic potential. More and more studies and...

  • Crema de Cannabis para dolores musculares

    Cannabis cream for muscle pain

    Tommaso Bruscolini

    Muscle pain can be the result of injuries, secondary medical conditions, chronic stress, or recovery from strenuous training. This can affect our quality of life and make daily, routine tasks...

    Cannabis cream for muscle pain

    Tommaso Bruscolini

    Muscle pain can be the result of injuries, secondary medical conditions, chronic stress, or recovery from strenuous training. This can affect our quality of life and make daily, routine tasks...

  • CBD antiinflamatorio: ¿Una alternativa al ibuprofeno?

    Anti-inflammatory CBD: An alternative to ibuprofen?

    Tommaso Bruscolini

    We wonder if there are studies on CBD and if it provides a wide variety of benefits for our health. From relieving chronic pain to achieving a state of relaxation...

    Anti-inflammatory CBD: An alternative to ibuprofen?

    Tommaso Bruscolini

    We wonder if there are studies on CBD and if it provides a wide variety of benefits for our health. From relieving chronic pain to achieving a state of relaxation...

  • Aceite CBD en tu Farmacia: Beneficios y Propiedades de los aceites The Beemine Lab

    CBD Oil in your Pharmacy: Benefits and Properties of The Beemine Lab oils

    Tommaso Bruscolini

    CBD oil has multiple beneficial properties for well-being, as it offers relief, calm and repair for sensitive skin, and its active ingredient has evidence to support its use for stress...

    CBD Oil in your Pharmacy: Benefits and Properties of The Beemine Lab oils

    Tommaso Bruscolini

    CBD oil has multiple beneficial properties for well-being, as it offers relief, calm and repair for sensitive skin, and its active ingredient has evidence to support its use for stress...

  • CBD contra la Alopecia: beneficios, efectos y tratamiento

    CBD against Alopecia: benefits, effects and treatment

    Tommaso Bruscolini

    What is Alopecia? Alopecia is the abnormal loss of hair and/or hair from the eyelashes, armpits, genitals and beard. It is also known as baldness and affects 12% of the...

    CBD against Alopecia: benefits, effects and treatment

    Tommaso Bruscolini

    What is Alopecia? Alopecia is the abnormal loss of hair and/or hair from the eyelashes, armpits, genitals and beard. It is also known as baldness and affects 12% of the...

  • CBD y Epilepsia: síntomas, eficacia clínica y efectos

    CBD and Epilepsy: Symptoms, Clinical Efficacy and Side Effects

    Tommaso Bruscolini

    What is epilepsy? Epilepsy is a chronic disease that affects brain neurons, which present uncontrolled and improvised electrical activity that causes different types of physical and psychological consequences, affecting the...

    CBD and Epilepsy: Symptoms, Clinical Efficacy and Side Effects

    Tommaso Bruscolini

    What is epilepsy? Epilepsy is a chronic disease that affects brain neurons, which present uncontrolled and improvised electrical activity that causes different types of physical and psychological consequences, affecting the...

  • Anandamida y CBD: Definición, funcionamiento y efectos de este neurotransmisor

    Anandamide and CBD: Definition, Functioning and Effects of this Neurotransmitter

    Tommaso Bruscolini

    SUBSCRIBE TO THE BEST INFORMATION ABOUT CBD TODAY. Yes, we also have your Welcome Gift: 10% discount on your first purchase. What is Anandamide? Anandamide is one of the main...

    Anandamide and CBD: Definition, Functioning and Effects of this Neurotransmitter

    Tommaso Bruscolini

    SUBSCRIBE TO THE BEST INFORMATION ABOUT CBD TODAY. Yes, we also have your Welcome Gift: 10% discount on your first purchase. What is Anandamide? Anandamide is one of the main...

  • Como el CBD ayuda a reducir el miedo, la ansiedad y el estrés post-traumático

    How CBD helps reduce fear, anxiety and post-traumatic stress

    Tommaso Bruscolini

    What are fear and anxiety? Fear is the negative emotional sensation associated with the perception of a physical or psychological danger that may be real or imaginary , which is...

    How CBD helps reduce fear, anxiety and post-traumatic stress

    Tommaso Bruscolini

    What are fear and anxiety? Fear is the negative emotional sensation associated with the perception of a physical or psychological danger that may be real or imaginary , which is...

  • Conoce todo sobre nuestra Crema Revitalizante de CBD

    Learn all about our CBD Revitalizing Cream

    Tommaso Bruscolini

    If you are a science major, congratulations, this blog will be a review of your chemistry classes for you. If you are a humanities major , congratulations, you will learn...

    Learn all about our CBD Revitalizing Cream

    Tommaso Bruscolini

    If you are a science major, congratulations, this blog will be a review of your chemistry classes for you. If you are a humanities major , congratulations, you will learn...

  • Cómo vender CBD en Farmacias

    How to sell CBD in pharmacies

    Tommaso Bruscolini

    What is CBD and can I sell it in my pharmacy? CBD (Cannabidol) is one of the most present cannabinoids in the Cannabis Sativa L. plant. FIG 1 It has...

    How to sell CBD in pharmacies

    Tommaso Bruscolini

    What is CBD and can I sell it in my pharmacy? CBD (Cannabidol) is one of the most present cannabinoids in the Cannabis Sativa L. plant. FIG 1 It has...

  • Cómo usar CBD para reducir el acné

    How to use CBD to reduce acne

    Tommaso Bruscolini

    Acne is one of the most common skin diseases with a 90% prevalence in adolescents. (1) Although it is not a dangerous disease, it can negatively affect the quality of...

    How to use CBD to reduce acne

    Tommaso Bruscolini

    Acne is one of the most common skin diseases with a 90% prevalence in adolescents. (1) Although it is not a dangerous disease, it can negatively affect the quality of...

  • ¿Qué es la Miel Orgánica y cómo diferenciarla?

    What is Organic Honey and how to differentiate it?

    Tommaso Bruscolini

    What is organic honey? Flowers, bees and beekeepers play a fundamental role in obtaining organic honey. Organic honey , also known as pure honey, is obtained from the nectar of...

    What is Organic Honey and how to differentiate it?

    Tommaso Bruscolini

    What is organic honey? Flowers, bees and beekeepers play a fundamental role in obtaining organic honey. Organic honey , also known as pure honey, is obtained from the nectar of...

  • ¿Qué es el estrés?

    What is stress?

    Tommaso Bruscolini

    What is stress? Stress is the feeling of physical or emotional tension that occurs as a reaction to a demanding or challenging situation, such as having to face danger, continuous...

    What is stress?

    Tommaso Bruscolini

    What is stress? Stress is the feeling of physical or emotional tension that occurs as a reaction to a demanding or challenging situation, such as having to face danger, continuous...

  • Así alivia el CBD los síntomas de la fibromialgia

    This is how CBD relieves the symptoms of fibromyalgia

    Tommaso Bruscolini

    What is fibromyalgia? Fibromyalgia is an idiopathic disease whose etiology remains unknown, characterized by affecting the human body with generalized musculoskeletal pain, hyperalgesia and allodynia. The diagnosis of Fibromyalgia syndrome...

    This is how CBD relieves the symptoms of fibromyalgia

    Tommaso Bruscolini

    What is fibromyalgia? Fibromyalgia is an idiopathic disease whose etiology remains unknown, characterized by affecting the human body with generalized musculoskeletal pain, hyperalgesia and allodynia. The diagnosis of Fibromyalgia syndrome...

  • Beneficios y propiedades de los derivados de las abejas

    Benefits and properties of bee derivatives

    Tommaso Bruscolini

    Bee derivatives and their benefits Bee products have been used for over 8,000 years due to their important benefits for our body. They are antiviral, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and highly nutritious...

    Benefits and properties of bee derivatives

    Tommaso Bruscolini

    Bee derivatives and their benefits Bee products have been used for over 8,000 years due to their important benefits for our body. They are antiviral, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and highly nutritious...

  • Rutina de belleza con CBD

    CBD beauty routine

    Tommaso Bruscolini

    We're revolutionizing skincare by bringing together the benefits of honey and cannabis . This CBD beauty routine synergistically hydrates, regulates, disinfects, and is packed with antioxidants to protect your skin...

    CBD beauty routine

    Tommaso Bruscolini

    We're revolutionizing skincare by bringing together the benefits of honey and cannabis . This CBD beauty routine synergistically hydrates, regulates, disinfects, and is packed with antioxidants to protect your skin...

  • ¿Qué es la Fibromialgia?

    What is Fibromyalgia?

    Tommaso Bruscolini

    What is Fibromyalgia? Fibromyalgia is a disorder characterized by widespread musculoskeletal pain accompanied by fatigue and problems with sleep, memory, and mood . It commonly affects areas such as the...

    What is Fibromyalgia?

    Tommaso Bruscolini

    What is Fibromyalgia? Fibromyalgia is a disorder characterized by widespread musculoskeletal pain accompanied by fatigue and problems with sleep, memory, and mood . It commonly affects areas such as the...

  • ¿Es legal el CBD?

    Is CBD legal?

    Tommaso Bruscolini

    When asked whether CBD is legal, we must take into account three elements: possession, distribution and consumption, so we must approach legality carefully given that what is legal for some...

    Is CBD legal?

    Tommaso Bruscolini

    When asked whether CBD is legal, we must take into account three elements: possession, distribution and consumption, so we must approach legality carefully given that what is legal for some...

  • ¿Qué dicen los estudios sobre el uso del CBD para los síntomas depresivos?

    What do studies say about using CBD for depressive symptoms?

    Tommaso Bruscolini

    What is depression? Depression is a mood disorder, meaning it affects the emotional and psychological state and is reflected in social and professional functioning, being the main cause of disability...

    What do studies say about using CBD for depressive symptoms?

    Tommaso Bruscolini

    What is depression? Depression is a mood disorder, meaning it affects the emotional and psychological state and is reflected in social and professional functioning, being the main cause of disability...

  • Estudios relacionados con el CBD y los síntomas del Parkinson

    Studies related to CBD and Parkinson's symptoms

    Tommaso Bruscolini

    Parkinson's disease Parkinson's disease is a complex and heterogeneous neurodegenerative disorder that can appear in adulthood and significantly affects the quality of life and progressively the autonomy of the person...

    Studies related to CBD and Parkinson's symptoms

    Tommaso Bruscolini

    Parkinson's disease Parkinson's disease is a complex and heterogeneous neurodegenerative disorder that can appear in adulthood and significantly affects the quality of life and progressively the autonomy of the person...

  • Estudios sobre CBD y Bruxismo

    Studies on CBD and Bruxism

    Tommaso Bruscolini

    What is Bruxism? Bruxism is a parafunctional (purposeless) activity characterized by clenching and grinding of the teeth that can occur while awake or asleep. It is described as idiopathic or...

    Studies on CBD and Bruxism

    Tommaso Bruscolini

    What is Bruxism? Bruxism is a parafunctional (purposeless) activity characterized by clenching and grinding of the teeth that can occur while awake or asleep. It is described as idiopathic or...

  • Esclerosis Múltiple y Cannabis

    Multiple Sclerosis and Cannabis

    Tommaso Bruscolini

    What is Multiple Sclerosis? Multiple sclerosis (hereinafter also “MS”) is a chronic autoimmune disease that affects the Central Nervous System (brain and spinal cord), the symptoms of which can affect...

    Multiple Sclerosis and Cannabis

    Tommaso Bruscolini

    What is Multiple Sclerosis? Multiple sclerosis (hereinafter also “MS”) is a chronic autoimmune disease that affects the Central Nervous System (brain and spinal cord), the symptoms of which can affect...

  • ¿Cuáles son los efectos secundarios del CBD?

    What are the side effects of CBD?

    Tommaso Bruscolini

    We explain what CBD is and why it is a safe substance CBD is a natural compound , derived from the Cannabis Sativa L plant, which offers different therapeutic properties,...

    What are the side effects of CBD?

    Tommaso Bruscolini

    We explain what CBD is and why it is a safe substance CBD is a natural compound , derived from the Cannabis Sativa L plant, which offers different therapeutic properties,...

  • El Cannabis y los dolores de cabeza

    Cannabis and headaches

    Tommaso Bruscolini

    Types of headaches Headache is a common and complex disorder of the nervous system that chronically affects between 4 and 12% ( 1 )( 2 ) (3) of the world's...

    Cannabis and headaches

    Tommaso Bruscolini

    Types of headaches Headache is a common and complex disorder of the nervous system that chronically affects between 4 and 12% ( 1 )( 2 ) (3) of the world's...

  • Dolor menstrual

    Menstrual pain

    Tommaso Bruscolini

    It is very common among people who menstruate to suffer from a multitude of pains and discomforts before, during and even after the menstrual cycle. From pre-menstrual syndrome to the...

    Menstrual pain

    Tommaso Bruscolini

    It is very common among people who menstruate to suffer from a multitude of pains and discomforts before, during and even after the menstrual cycle. From pre-menstrual syndrome to the...

  • Mejor tratamiento para la caída de cabello: Champú con Aceite de Cáñamo.

    Best Hair Loss Treatment: Hemp Oil Shampoo.

    Tommaso Bruscolini

    Maintaining thick, shiny hair is very important today, both hygienically and aesthetically, and even psychologically, since it represents a fundamental part of the face. To make this possible, it is...

    Best Hair Loss Treatment: Hemp Oil Shampoo.

    Tommaso Bruscolini

    Maintaining thick, shiny hair is very important today, both hygienically and aesthetically, and even psychologically, since it represents a fundamental part of the face. To make this possible, it is...



    Tommaso Bruscolini

    THE BEEMINE LAB Brand #1 in producing products with honey and CBD. If you want to know more about CBD, subscribe for free to our magazine . New content every...


    Tommaso Bruscolini

    THE BEEMINE LAB Brand #1 in producing products with honey and CBD. If you want to know more about CBD, subscribe for free to our magazine . New content every...

  • Guía completa para producir CBD en España

    Complete guide to producing CBD in Spain

    Tommaso Bruscolini

    The latest scientific advances on the health benefits of CBD, along with its ever-increasing popularity, have turned the production and distribution of CBD products into a new opportunity for business,...

    Complete guide to producing CBD in Spain

    Tommaso Bruscolini

    The latest scientific advances on the health benefits of CBD, along with its ever-increasing popularity, have turned the production and distribution of CBD products into a new opportunity for business,...



    Tommaso Bruscolini

    The stress and anxiety situations caused by confinement completely changed people's lives and also their physical and mental health. According to a consumer report published by Prohibition Partners, the main...


    Tommaso Bruscolini

    The stress and anxiety situations caused by confinement completely changed people's lives and also their physical and mental health. According to a consumer report published by Prohibition Partners, the main...

  • ¿Cuánto tarda en hacer efecto el aceite de CBD?

    How long does it take for CBD oil to take effect?

    Tommaso Bruscolini

    CBD is a natural substance that can provide many benefits to the human body and can be absorbed in different ways , both internally and externally. Depending on the route...

    How long does it take for CBD oil to take effect?

    Tommaso Bruscolini

    CBD is a natural substance that can provide many benefits to the human body and can be absorbed in different ways , both internally and externally. Depending on the route...

  • Historia sobre el CBD en España

    History of CBD in Spain

    Tommaso Bruscolini

    The beginnings of Cannabis began in the East: We can find documents about its use as far back as 2900 BC. The first reference is from the Chinese emperor, Fu...

    History of CBD in Spain

    Tommaso Bruscolini

    The beginnings of Cannabis began in the East: We can find documents about its use as far back as 2900 BC. The first reference is from the Chinese emperor, Fu...

  • El CBD y la ansiedad

    CBD and anxiety

    Tommaso Bruscolini

    CBD and Anxiety: A Possible Natural Remedy? Accumulating evidence indicates that cannabidiol (CBD), a non-psychotropic and non-addictive major component of the Cannabis sativa plant, reverses anxiety-like behavior. Having to deal...

    CBD and anxiety

    Tommaso Bruscolini

    CBD and Anxiety: A Possible Natural Remedy? Accumulating evidence indicates that cannabidiol (CBD), a non-psychotropic and non-addictive major component of the Cannabis sativa plant, reverses anxiety-like behavior. Having to deal...

  • Cómo apadrinar una colmena

    How to sponsor a hive

    Tommaso Bruscolini

    [caption id="attachment_4953" align="alignleft" width="305"] Bees have a thin layer of hairs on their bodies that collect pollen. They can carry up to 30% of their weight in pollen.[/caption] Why are...

    How to sponsor a hive

    Tommaso Bruscolini

    [caption id="attachment_4953" align="alignleft" width="305"] Bees have a thin layer of hairs on their bodies that collect pollen. They can carry up to 30% of their weight in pollen.[/caption] Why are...

  • OMS sobre el uso de CBD

    WHO on the use of CBD

    Tommaso Bruscolini

    WHO on the use of CBD: it is not addictive, nor harmful to health and has a multitude of therapeutic properties “There is preliminary evidence that CBD may be a...

    WHO on the use of CBD

    Tommaso Bruscolini

    WHO on the use of CBD: it is not addictive, nor harmful to health and has a multitude of therapeutic properties “There is preliminary evidence that CBD may be a...

  • Crea tu Marca Blanca de CBD con Laboratorios Beemine

    Create your CBD White Label with Beemine Laboratories

    Tommaso Bruscolini

    If you are thinking of starting your own white label CBD project in Spain, either within your company or starting your adventure as a freelancer, you probably aspire to create...

    Create your CBD White Label with Beemine Laboratories

    Tommaso Bruscolini

    If you are thinking of starting your own white label CBD project in Spain, either within your company or starting your adventure as a freelancer, you probably aspire to create...



    Tommaso Bruscolini

    THE BEEMINE LAB Brand #1 in producing products with honey and CBD. If you want to know more about CBD, subscribe for free to our magazine . New content every...


    Tommaso Bruscolini

    THE BEEMINE LAB Brand #1 in producing products with honey and CBD. If you want to know more about CBD, subscribe for free to our magazine . New content every...



    Tommaso Bruscolini

    THE BEEMINE LAB Brand #1 in producing products with honey and CBD. If you want to know more about CBD, subscribe for free to our magazine . New content every...


    Tommaso Bruscolini

    THE BEEMINE LAB Brand #1 in producing products with honey and CBD. If you want to know more about CBD, subscribe for free to our magazine . New content every...



    Tommaso Bruscolini

    THE BEEMINE LAB Brand #1 in producing products with honey and CBD. If you want to know more about CBD, subscribe for free to our magazine . New content every...


    Tommaso Bruscolini

    THE BEEMINE LAB Brand #1 in producing products with honey and CBD. If you want to know more about CBD, subscribe for free to our magazine . New content every...



    Tommaso Bruscolini

    THE BEEMINE LAB Brand #1 in producing products with honey and CBD. If you want to know more about CBD, subscribe for free to our magazine . New content every...


    Tommaso Bruscolini

    THE BEEMINE LAB Brand #1 in producing products with honey and CBD. If you want to know more about CBD, subscribe for free to our magazine . New content every...

  • Así se acelera la recuperación muscular con CBD

    This is how muscle recovery is accelerated with CBD

    Tommaso Bruscolini

    Why does muscle wasting occur? Practicing physical exercise is one of the best recommendations to keep the body in good health and many people practice some type of sport and/or...

    This is how muscle recovery is accelerated with CBD

    Tommaso Bruscolini

    Why does muscle wasting occur? Practicing physical exercise is one of the best recommendations to keep the body in good health and many people practice some type of sport and/or...

  • 8 formas (fáciles) de fortalecer el sistema inmune

    8 (easy) ways to strengthen the immune system

    Tommaso Bruscolini

    Winter and the transition to spring are always a delicate time for the immune system . Many people may experience spring asthenia and feel weaker physically and mentally . Today...

    8 (easy) ways to strengthen the immune system

    Tommaso Bruscolini

    Winter and the transition to spring are always a delicate time for the immune system . Many people may experience spring asthenia and feel weaker physically and mentally . Today...

  • 5 formas de salvar a las abejas

    5 ways to save the bees

    Tommaso Bruscolini

    Bees are in danger of extinction We want to share with you 5 super simple ways to save bees. There are a wide variety of crops that would be directly...

    5 ways to save the bees

    Tommaso Bruscolini

    Bees are in danger of extinction We want to share with you 5 super simple ways to save bees. There are a wide variety of crops that would be directly...

  • The Beemine Lab de venta en Farmacias

    The Beemine Lab for sale in pharmacies

    Tommaso Bruscolini

    ¡ You can now find The Beemine Lab products in Pharmacies ! You can find our natural remedies or order our products at your nearest Pharmacy. This is a big...

    The Beemine Lab for sale in pharmacies

    Tommaso Bruscolini

    ¡ You can now find The Beemine Lab products in Pharmacies ! You can find our natural remedies or order our products at your nearest Pharmacy. This is a big...

  • Beneficios del CBD para el deporte: Cannabis y Golf

    Benefits of CBD for sport: Cannabis and Golf

    Tommaso Bruscolini

    Name: John Age: 48 Where are you from/do you live: Madrid What feeds you: I am an entrepreneur, I sell products in marketplaces Favorite physical activity: Golf Favorite food: Baked...

    Benefits of CBD for sport: Cannabis and Golf

    Tommaso Bruscolini

    Name: John Age: 48 Where are you from/do you live: Madrid What feeds you: I am an entrepreneur, I sell products in marketplaces Favorite physical activity: Golf Favorite food: Baked...

  • La dieta antiinflamatoria y el CBD

    The anti-inflammatory diet and CBD

    Tommaso Bruscolini

    The anti-inflammatory diet, internationally recognized and promoted by multiple doctors in the USA (Dr. Mercola MD or Dr. Andrew Weil MD), is a powerful ally of CBD oil to lead...

    The anti-inflammatory diet and CBD

    Tommaso Bruscolini

    The anti-inflammatory diet, internationally recognized and promoted by multiple doctors in the USA (Dr. Mercola MD or Dr. Andrew Weil MD), is a powerful ally of CBD oil to lead...

  • El futuro de la industria del cannabis y el CBD

    The future of the cannabis and CBD industry

    Tommaso Bruscolini

    Surely the other day at work, on your last trip with friends, or walking your dog around your neighborhood you have heard about CBD. Is this truly a new way...

    The future of the cannabis and CBD industry

    Tommaso Bruscolini

    Surely the other day at work, on your last trip with friends, or walking your dog around your neighborhood you have heard about CBD. Is this truly a new way...

  • ¿Por qué usar aceite de cannabis?

    Why use cannabis oil?

    Tommaso Bruscolini

    The Endocannabinoid System , located in our brain and with receptors in the rest of the body, has two well-known types of receptors: CB1 and CB2. CB1 receptors are located...

    Why use cannabis oil?

    Tommaso Bruscolini

    The Endocannabinoid System , located in our brain and with receptors in the rest of the body, has two well-known types of receptors: CB1 and CB2. CB1 receptors are located...

  • Hemp Business Day Review

    Hemp Business Day Review

    Tommaso Bruscolini

    The first Hemp and CBD Congress in Southern Europe took place on Friday, April 27. A pioneering professional meeting in Spain focused on the analysis and projection of this emerging...

    Hemp Business Day Review

    Tommaso Bruscolini

    The first Hemp and CBD Congress in Southern Europe took place on Friday, April 27. A pioneering professional meeting in Spain focused on the analysis and projection of this emerging...

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