Xavier Conde
Farmacéutico | Técnico de laboratorio
Después de estudiar formación profesional se dedicó un tiempo a los análisis clínicos en el laboratorio de la clínica del Pilar-Sant Jordi (Barcelona), hasta que decidió empezar sus estudios universitarios en la Facultad de Farmacia de la Universidad de Barcelona. Tras dos años de facultad abandonó su empleo en la clínica para centrarse en sus estudios. Al final del tercer año sintió curiosidad por conocer el mundo de la farmacia asistencial y comenzó a trabajar en una farmacia comunitaria como auxiliar. Una vez consigue graduarse, realiza un posgrado en Ortopedia en la Universidad Internacional de La Rioja. Actualmente se dedica a la farmacia comunitaria con la misma pasión que al principio, siendo su enfoque principal la atención farmacéutica personalizada y la divulgación en redes.
Siempre ha sido un apasionado de las ciencias de la salud, donde antepone la profesionalidad ante todo. Además, le fascinan los deportes de contacto y la vida saludable, aspectos en su día a día que le ayudan a estar en equilibrio. Algún día le gustaría contar con su propio espacio de salud, en el cual seguir ayudando a sus pacientes.
Published articles
Xavier Conde
Tattooing is an aesthetic practice that is becoming more and more normalized in society. As it is a direct aggression on the skin , there are always guidelines to follow...
Xavier CondeTattooing is an aesthetic practice that is becoming more and more normalized in society. As it is a direct aggression on the skin , there are always guidelines to follow...
Are CBD and antidepressants compatible?
Xavier CondeWhat is CBD? Cannabidiol (CBD) is a non-synthetic chemical found in the marijuana plant (Cannabis sativa). Unlike other compounds found in the plant, such as tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), CBD has no...
Are CBD and antidepressants compatible?
Xavier CondeWhat is CBD? Cannabidiol (CBD) is a non-synthetic chemical found in the marijuana plant (Cannabis sativa). Unlike other compounds found in the plant, such as tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), CBD has no...
Are you addicted to tobacco? CBD to quit smoking
Xavier CondeEffects of tobacco Tobacco is a plant whose leaves have been smoked, chewed or inhaled for hundreds of years. Tobacco contains nicotine as an active ingredient , but it also...
Are you addicted to tobacco? CBD to quit smoking
Xavier CondeEffects of tobacco Tobacco is a plant whose leaves have been smoked, chewed or inhaled for hundreds of years. Tobacco contains nicotine as an active ingredient , but it also...
CBD and Hangover: Keys to calming the symptoms
Xavier CondeWhat causes a hangover? Hangover signs and symptoms If we had to give it a definition it would be: all those signs and symptoms associated with excessive consumption of alcoholic...
CBD and Hangover: Keys to calming the symptoms
Xavier CondeWhat causes a hangover? Hangover signs and symptoms If we had to give it a definition it would be: all those signs and symptoms associated with excessive consumption of alcoholic...
Effects of CBD on blood pressure
Xavier CondeWhat is blood pressure? You've probably heard of blood pressure, and how it can be a sign or marker of health. However, how to define or understand what we mean...
Effects of CBD on blood pressure
Xavier CondeWhat is blood pressure? You've probably heard of blood pressure, and how it can be a sign or marker of health. However, how to define or understand what we mean...