8 (easy) ways to strengthen the immune system

8 formas (fáciles) de fortalecer el sistema inmune
Winter and the transition to spring are always a delicate time for the immune system . Many people may experience spring asthenia and feel weaker physically and mentally . Today more than ever we need to strengthen our immune system to feel better and not get sick. Here are 8 easy tips to strengthen your immune system: [caption id="attachment_4518" align="alignright" width="151"] Organic honey rosemary ecological madrid Organic rosemary honey[/caption]
  1. Take honey

    The properties of honey , and other bee derivatives, are anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and antioxidant , among others, and have a long history of therapeutic use. Honey is especially good for our respiratory system and is a healthy option to sweeten our teas, coffees or even to integrate into our recipes. Try replacing everything you eat with sugar with pure honey like our Hani Raw .
  2. Lots of fruit and vegetables

    You can incorporate a variety of fruits and vegetables that are ideal for strengthening the immune system, such as blueberries and strawberries , which are packed with vitamins and antioxidants. Also suitable are green leaves, garlic, onions, and cruciferous vegetables (broccoli and cauliflower) . Half of your plate should consist of fruit or vegetables. You can also incorporate antibiotic foods into your daily diet, such as turmeric, ginger, garlic, oregano or thyme . Try to eat fewer simple carbohydrates and more complex ones, such as brown rice, quinoa or whole wheat pasta. Don't forget to drink 2 liters of water a day . It can be in the form of tea or you can add a little lemon and ginger to the warm water. Avoid: Sugars, dairy, processed/refined foods and red meat. These foods hinder the functioning of the immune system. [caption id="attachment_4521" align="alignright" width="172"] CBD oil 10% CBD oil 10%[/caption]
  3. Smoking does not help us strengthen the immune system and can create weaknesses in our respiratory system . Using tinctures such as CBD Oil can strengthen our immune system due to its interaction with our endocannabinoid system, master regulator of our body systems, in addition to its high content of essential fatty acids that will improve the performance of our immune system.
  4. Sleep well and enough

    It is important to sleep 8-9 hours in addition to maintaining a stable and regular schedule and trying to get a restful sleep. Try to stop watching television or using your mobile phone before going to sleep, the brightness of the screens causes fatigue to your eyes and confuses your brain and will not allow you to have a completely restful sleep.
  5. Don't mess with stress

    Stress is one of the biggest enemies of the immune system . Try meditating, doing yoga or using CBD , a natural anti-anxiety agent. Magnesium and vitamin B6 can also help reduce daily stress. Stop watching the news all the time too, the negativity and alarmism of the media covering the current situation can cause you more stress. Try to get information only through official organizations and rest your mind : Get a book, listen to a podcast or clean your bathroom, you will see that your partner will be super happy that you have taken the initiative.
  6. Exercise and contact with nature

    The current situation is being an obstacle to doing sports, but there are many free platforms that offer virtual exercise classes such as: yoga, pilates, gap, hiit, bar, etc. Try them to do a little exercise at home, put your phone aside and move your body. It will be great for reducing stress and strengthening the immune system. Contact with nature is a bit difficult right now, but you can watch Planet Earth or if you have some seeds at home try planting them . The simple fact of being able to take care of a plant and see how it evolves will lift your spirits and secrete hormones that will improve your immune system.
  7. The sun gives life

    The sun is very important for boosting the immune system , and the best way to get this crucial vitamin is through direct sunbathing, but not too much (I'm not telling you to go out without sunscreen). Fifteen minutes in the sun with your arms or legs exposed will get you your daily dose of vitamin D. If the sun doesn't reach your house (I feel you, it doesn't reach me either) when we have to go out we can take advantage of walking on the sunny side of the street or try incorporating certain foods or supplements that make up for the lack of this vitamin . Although you should keep in mind that they will not completely replace the benefits of the sun. (We need between 800-1000 IU per day). You can also eat foods that contain vitamin D such as:
      1. Fatty fish such as salmon, herrenque, canned tuna, cod and sardines
      2. Egg yolks
      3. Cheese
      4. Mushrooms
      5. Fortified foods (cereals, milk)
  8. Introduce a health tonic into your life

    Last Saturday I started fermenting Fire Cider , an ideal tonic for complete health that Mennlay Golokeh-Aggrey shared on her Instagram, you can see the recipe here . Try integrating superfoods into your daily diet, whether it's hemp protein, good grass for breathing, or algae like spirulina. As we said before, a simple warm water with lemon and ginger can give you the that you needed.
Giving your immune system a boost is good at any time of the year. CBD and honey can be an ally to strengthen the immune system but it is a job that requires the action of many factors, in addition to being constant, it does not change from one day to the next. We have to incorporate new routines and improve our daily habits and it will be equally important to maintain them.