The 8 benefits of CBD Lip Balm for the skin of the lips

Los 8 beneficios del Bálsamo Labial con CBD para la piel de los labios

What is CBD Lip Balm?

CBD lip balm is used on the lips and sensitive areas to deal with problems caused by the sun, cold and pollution. Thanks to its moisturizing, soothing, anti-irritation and anti-inflammatory action, it is a good tool to relieve problems due to burns, herpes, rashes, cracked skin, irritations and scars.

CBD and lip skin

The lips are covered by a thinner layer of skin than the rest of the body and for this reason they are more sensitive and more delicate . Due to their continuous exposure, they are subject to problems due to external factors such as the sun, the cold, air quality and possible impacts. There are also personal factors that can negatively affect the health of the lips , such as certain smoking habits and certain eating habits. There are also internal factors such as poor hydration and nutritional imbalances. Although the skin on the lips has an excellent capacity for regeneration , it is advisable to use natural products with moisturizing properties such as creams that help prevent and treat possible ailments. (1)(2)

Properties and Benefits of CBD Lip Balm

CBD has anti-inflammatory properties that are very useful in cases of skin inflammation and wounds, helping to regenerate damaged tissues (3)(4)(9), thanks to the high presence of endocannabinoid receptors in the skin tissue, in particular CB2 and TRPV that help regulate inflammatory processes and relieve symptoms of itching and pain (5)(6)(7)(10). In addition, Cannabis can relieve the symptoms of oral diseases that involve inflammation and pain , such as in the case of burning mouth syndrome that also involves the lips (8) It is also important to consider the antibacterial and antibiotic properties of CBD, which are very useful in the case of skin lesions that may be at risk of infection (9). CBD 8 Benefits


The skin on the lips contains little melanin, so it has little protection against solar radiation and can burn easily. In addition, certain smoking habits can cause burns on the lips (1). Skin burns involve inflammation of the tissue and a certain degree of cell death in the skin, so the healing process must be carefully monitored. Thanks to its anti-inflammatory, analgesic and antioxidant activity, CBD relieves symptoms related to burn episodes, also facilitating blood circulation and optimizing the cell regeneration process.


Herpes is an infection that attacks the lips and mouth and causes the appearance of small blisters, being caused by the herpes simplex virus. After the first infection, the virus remains dormant and can be reactivated at other times (12). An in vitro study (13) suggests the involvement of the Endocannabinoid System in the regulation of herpes simplex, observing that THC may have some positive effect and consequently possibly also CBD , thanks to its immunomodulatory and antibiotic properties. At a popular level, herpes is listed as one of the medical problems for which Cannabis is recommended in dispensaries in the United States, Canada and Europe (14)


The skin on the lips does not have sweat glands and needs to be hydrated through saliva, so in environmental conditions that favor its evaporation, both the lips and the skin around them can become chapped. This can occur both due to the sun and dry weather or in closed places with air conditioning such as in offices, where people also talk frequently, promoting dehydration. (1). LIP BALM and creams contain ingredients that help maintain lip hydration, to prevent and treat the appearance of possible cracks, and thanks to the anti-inflammatory properties of CBD it relieves the symptoms of pain and itching , also promoting skin regeneration.

Cracked skin and CBD

Aside from the lips, there are other areas of the body where the skin can become dry and cracked, both due to exposure to environmental factors (such as the face and hands) and due to their location (such as the feet). Similar to the considerations regarding chapped lips, LIP BALM and other CBD creams can help maintain hydration and relieve itching, pain, and possible inflammation. A recent study on the topical use of CBD on dry and sensitive skin has shown significant improvement in symptoms associated with dermatitis .(11)

Irritations and CBD

Skin irritations can be caused by external and internal factors, leading to an inflammatory state. Thanks to its anti-inflammatory and antibiotic effect, CBD is very useful in case of skin irritations , relieving the sensation of burning, pain and itching as observed in a recent study (11). CBD helps regulate irritative processes both externally, acting against pathogens, and internally, modulating the inflammatory response of the body and the skin.


Rashes are a type of irritation that can occur on both the skin and lips and can cause wounds or blisters. As with other types of irritation, CBD can help regulate the irritative processes and relieve the sensation of pain and itching.


Scars are the consequences of deep wounds that can affect even the muscle tissue. Thanks to the presence of endocannabinoid receptors in both epithelial and muscle tissue, CBD relieves inflammation and pain caused by deep wounds, also providing an important antibacterial effect. In addition , CBD promotes tissue regeneration, favoring the formation of new skin that is healthier from an aesthetic and functional point of view while maintaining its color, texture and elasticity. (as we have seen in the article on ACNE)


Tattoos are more superficial wounds , although on an aesthetic level it is very important to take care of the healing process since it involves a certain degree of scarring. Similar to the considerations made for scars, CBD can favor the initial care process, relieving inflammation and pain and preventing infections , and optimize the regeneration and healing process from both an aesthetic and functional point of view, also reducing the sensation of itching. In addition, LIP BALM contains ingredients that help maintain skin hydration, a fundamental factor in achieving a well-healed tattoo.


LIPBALM can be a good ally in the treatment of different skin and lip conditions, providing an important anti-inflammatory effect, relieving the symptoms of pain and itching and reducing the risk of infections. In addition, LIPBALM and other CBD creams contain ingredients that help maintain adequate hydration.


LIPBALM is only used externally, applying the product directly to the lips or the affected skin area, trying to massage gently until absorbed. When used externally, the effect appears in 15-20 minutes and lasts about 2-3 hours, so it is advisable to apply 3 or 4 times a day depending on your needs. Literature:
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