The stress and anxiety situations caused by confinement completely changed people's lives and also their physical and mental health. According to a consumer report published by Prohibition Partners, the main benefits that users seek in CBD products are pain relief and emotional balance. According to El Español , the increase in teleworking and COVID-19 may be behind these two factors, respectively triggering the sale of over-the-counter painkillers by 30% in 2020 and “1 in 5 Spaniards having felt depressed or hopeless in this year of pandemic.” These data are consistent with post-pandemic research published in the journal Physicriatic Research: “The combined prevalence of depression, anxiety, insomnia, post-traumatic stress disorder, and psychological distress was 15.97%, 15.15%, 23.87%, 21.94%, and 13.29%, respectively.” The study included more than 190,000 international participants and found a prevalence of insomnia of 24%. Today we talk to Maria Gomez , illustrator and photographer, who tells us through her illustrations about her experience with CBD during the pandemic. Her testimony was censored on Instagram due to policies on illegal substances, which do not adapt to the current context of information and regulation of different countries regarding Cannabis.


How did you experience the first days of confinement? When did you start having trouble sleeping? Had you had them before?

During confinement I didn't have any anxiety problems , I felt very calm. But I started having nightmares and very strange dreams. I think it was quite common, I even mentioned it to people close to me. When everything went back to normal, I started having more problems. I lived in Cadiz and had to work, but I couldn't travel to see my loved ones. That's when things got weirder and I had trouble sleeping. I never had before.

How did you discover CBD? What were your expectations at the beginning? Did you know anything about CBD?

A friend of mine had a stomach ache and a friend of mine recommended CBD to him, and as a good CBD guru, she recommended it to me too . She gave me an oil that she brought from England. Internal use is legal there. I already knew from friends and acquaintances that they took it, but I didn't imagine that it would work , I had no expectations about how I would feel. I only knew that it didn't get me high even though it came from Cannabis and everyone spoke highly of it . I didn't investigate further.

What effects did you notice?

I just slept perfectly , a deep sleep all night. I didn't notice anything else , now I don't take it every day anymore, only during days when I feel very stressed. Now I discovered with Beemine that it can be applied to the face . I have super dry skin and I apply it to my neck, etc. Creams really bother me because they tend to be very thick and the oil is super soft, it absorbs really well and doesn't bother me at all . I still have to try it for my stomach, but I'll leave it for the future.