CBD and anxiety

El CBD y la ansiedad

CBD and Anxiety: A Possible Natural Remedy?

Accumulating evidence indicates that cannabidiol (CBD), a non-psychotropic and non-addictive major component of the Cannabis sativa plant, reverses anxiety-like behavior.

Having to deal with an important and/or new situation , facing a day of fundamental importance at work, trying hard to get through university exams , taking care of your home and your family , going on a date, going through a break-up , meeting your boss or going to a job interview, dealing with situations that have caused us stress in the past ... It is common for many people when they find themselves in this series of circumstances to begin to feel fear, anxiety, shortness of breath, nausea and stomach pain . These discomforts can be linked to excessive stress that causes anxiety symptoms. According to preclinical trials , CBD has potential as a natural remedy to reduce these symptoms.

What is anxiety?

The term anxiety can refer not only to a more chronic disorder but also to its symptoms that can appear acutely . It is a natural adaptive mechanism that alerts us to compromised situations , being suitable for preventing dangerous situations and keeping us focused in circumstances where we have to give 100%. Problems arise when there is too much stress and not enough tools to manage it, so people may feel overwhelmed, overwhelmed and with a sense of resignation in the face of a situation that exceeds their own capabilities. All of this can be worsened in people who have experienced traumatic experiences of varying degrees, so the symptoms can be associated with similar experiences or simply with stimuli that are associated with their memory, which can cause panic attacks that often represent another traumatic event in themselves, thus widening the chain and leading the person to a disabling situation. The subject suffering from anxiety may feel especially vulnerable, helpless, and a deterioration in psychosocial and physiological functioning may occur . Symptoms related to anxiety episodes are:
  1. Palpitations or tachycardia
  2. Feeling of shortness of breath and distress, with rapid breathing.
  3. Feeling of tightness in the chest.
  4. Fear or panic. Literally, feeling in danger.
  5. Sweating or chills.
  6. Tremors.
  7. Nausea or abdominal discomfort.
  8. Dizziness or even fainting.
If anxiety is persistent and intense , it can prevent the person experiencing it from carrying out a normal daily life .

How can CBD help you treat anxiety?

What is CBD? Properties and benefits of CBD.

CBD (Cannabidiol) is the second most abundant cannabinoid among the phytocannabinoids that can be found in Cannabis Sativa L. plants . Unlike many other cannabinoids, CBD is not psychotropic and has a different beneficial and therapeutic profile than other psychoactive cannabinoids, as recognized by the WHO .

Why is CBD good for anxiety?

One of the properties of CBD is its anxiolytic effect , which acts on our body through the receptors of the endocannabinoid system, regulating the activity of the amygdala and the insula , whose activity is related to emotions and symptoms linked to anxiety disorders and stress, such as fear, disgust or sadness, but also love and happiness . That is why its role as a regulator and modulator of the activity of these brain structures is important . Stress is not always negative by definition, as it produces hormones such as adrenaline, dopamine, or serotonin, influencing a person's energy, increasing their vitality and confidence to face a problem. However, when stress is continuous , or cannot be managed, the body generates different hormones such as cortisol, producing a feeling of exhaustion and irritability or even a lack of motivation. CBD stimulates specific receptors capable of modulating serotonergic and dopaminergic activity to promote a physiological balance whose effect on a psychological level is anxiolytic and antidepressant.

Evidence of CBD's benefits for anxiety

Existing preclinical evidence strongly supports CBD’s potential as a treatment for anxiety disorders . This is because CBD exhibits a range of properties effective for some symptoms, including its anxiolytic, antipsychotic, panicolytic and anti-compulsive actions, a decrease in fear and prevention of long-term anxiogenic effects due to stress. These preclinical studies have shown that CBD interacts with receptors that regulate behaviors related to fear and anxiety , specifically the cannabinoid receptor type 1 (CB1), the serotonin receptor 5-HT1A, and the transient receptor potential (TRP) vanilloid type 1 (TRPV1). CBD, when administered systematically on a regular basis , reduced acute stress-induced increases in heart rate and blood pressure, as well as the delayed anxiogenic effects of stress (those that occur 24 hours after the stress-inducing event). CBD has also been shown to enhance the extinction of fear responses in addition to blocking the re-consolidation of aversive memories . In summary, it can be seen how CBD is a complete and comprehensive therapeutic tool, capable of acting both on a physical and psychological and emotional level, representing one of the most appropriate treatments for anxiety and stress disorders.

How to use CBD to treat anxiety

CBD , unlike other substances that have a more direct action (stimulate or inhibit), is capable of indirectly modulating and enhancing the endocannabinoid system , so that all the physiological processes necessary to restore the homeostasis (balance) of each body are set in motion. All people have a different body that is characterized by a unique and personal balance , therefore each person will have their specific ways of dealing with different problematic situations such as anxiety, requiring the most personalized treatment possible. For these reasons, it is difficult to establish an effective amount of CBD for anxiety in general, as it is necessary to find the most appropriate dosage for each person . In addition, anxiety can be triggered by very personal causes and each person usually resorts to very different therapies and tools, making each therapeutic journey very specific. This is why the different clinical studies that have been carried out ( 2 )( 7 ) and are being carried out ( 8 ) usually use a dosage that can vary from 30 mg (9 )( 10 ) to 800 mg daily (11 ), in addition to using different administration routes.

Routes of administration

Inhaled route: the effect is immediate and maximum from the beginning, therefore the inhaled form can help relieve acute episodes of anxiety and/or panic or feelings of distress. Sublingual route: it is the most recommended form for medium/long-term treatment and to provide relief in more chronic situations such as a continued state of anxiety. Topical application: can provide relief to areas of the body that tend to tense up during episodes of anxiety, such as the cervical and pectoral muscles.

CBD for treating anxiety and insomnia

Anxiety can affect other factors in our lives, such as sleep, leading to insomnia. CBD treatment for anxiety is well-known and, according to studies , if the dosage is stable over the long term, it has therapeutic potential to improve sleep. To learn more, you can take a look at our article , reviewed by Viola Brugnatelli , on the effects of CBD on sleep.

Can CBD poisoning occur from overusing it? What happens if I consume high doses of CBD?

CBD has been found to have a bell-shaped response curve , meaning that higher doses are not necessarily more effective, but rather the opposite. Therefore, it is essential to find the right dose for the subject. To do this, it is recommended to start with a low dose and gradually increase until the effects appear. The possible adverse effects of CBD according to the Canna Foundation are: “fatigue, drowsiness, dry mouth, dizziness and decreased appetite” which decrease by reducing the dose of CBD or stopping administration. To learn more about the effects, check out our article, “What are the side effects of CBD?”

What about THC?

Due to its psychoactivity, THC can cause an anxiogenic effect, that is, it produces anxiety, especially in people who are prone to it, so its use is not recommended for people who suffer from anxiety episodes.

Has CBD been scientifically proven to help with anxiety and depression?

The simple answer is : No, there are preclinical trials, such as those cited above, that show it is effective, but more research is needed . The range of conditions for which CBD has been evaluated is diverse, consistent with its neuroprotective, anti-epileptic, anxiolytic, antipsychotic, analgesic, and anti-inflammatory properties. Much more research and clinical studies are required to evaluate CBD as a possible treatment for anxiety and depression. That doesn't mean it wouldn't help, but properly controlled clinical trials are needed to support the indication of CBD for treating anxiety or depression. Thanks to preclinical results and other research around the world, the regulatory and bureaucratic framework is increasing its acceptance of the use of cannabinoids as a therapeutic alternative. In countries such as the USA, Sweden or Canada, CBD is permitted for ingestion. However, there is still much to learn about the complex endocannabinoid system and how it interacts with different cannabinoids. The key to this progress is the destigmatization of the cannabis plant and the encouragement of clinical trials. Literature:
  1. " Can CBD Help with Anxiety? " American Association of Anxiety. 2019
  2. Esther M. Blessing et al. " Cannabidiol as a Potential Treatment for Anxiety Disorders ." 2015
  3. Scott Shannon, MD et al. " Cannabidiol in Anxiety and Sleep: A Large Case Series, " 2019
  4. Vanessa P. Soares and Alline C. Campos. "Evidences for the Anti-panic Actions of Cannabidiol," 2017
  5. Nobuo Masataka. "Anxiolytic Effects of Repeated Cannabidiol Treatment in Teenagers With Social Anxiety Disorders." Primate Research Institute. Japan. 2019
  6. Peter Grinspoon, MD "Cannabidiol (CBD) — what we know and what we don't. " Hardvard Contributor. 2019
  7. Skelley JW, Deas CM, Curren Z, Ennis J. Use of cannabidiol in anxiety and anxiety-related disorders. J Am Pharm Assoc (2003). 2020.
  8. Salerno, Lindsey et.al. Is Cannabis an effective treatment for anxiety? . Anxiety.org. 2018
  9. Sublingual Cannabidiol for Anxiety . Mclean Hospital. Clinical Trial. 2019.
  10. A Clinical Trial of a Hemp-Derived Cannabidiol Product for Anxiety . Mclean Hospital. Clinical Trial. 2020.
  11. Cannabidiol for the Treatment of Anxiety Disorders: An 8-Week Pilot Study . McMaster University. 2020.