Ultimate Guide to Intimate Gel | Cannabis Pleasure Gel

Guía definitiva sobre el gel íntimo | Cannabis Pleasure Gel

Bees, Cannabis and Intimate Health (Why we would want to make an intimate gel)

Intimate health, Cannabis and beekeeping derivatives have a common ancestral history. At The Beemine Lab we rediscovered this union and began to develop how to apply it to intimate health when we read the comprehensive review by cannabis expert, pioneering researcher and neurologist, Ethan Russo .

In her review, Cannabis Treatments in Obstetrics and Gynecology: A Historical Review , Russo talks about the different ancient cultures (up to modern times) that used Cannabis to alleviate pathologies in the field of gynecology and obstetrics. The first mentions of Cannabis and women appear in the first civilization, ancient Mesopotamia in the 7th century BC.

However, what fascinated us was discovering that in ancient Egypt (approx. 3rd century BC), in its pharmacopoeia, known as the Eber Papyrus, they already mentioned the combination of Cannabis with Honey as an ointment used to relieve pain during childbirth.

Considering the lack of visibility and research into women's intimate health, it is very revealing to find the presence of Cannabis and honey derivatives in a document of this nature. This fact motivated us to get to work and investigate how to bring these compounds back together, taking up the wisdom of antiquity and connecting it with the advances and knowledge of current research and science.

Do you want to know more about intimate health and hygiene? Check out our article .

What is an intimate gel? What is it used for?

Intimate gels are good tools to use in two main areas:

  • Scope of treatment, maintenance or prevention for intimate health
  • Intimate sphere, whether accompanied or individually.

An intimate gel for self-care can be used for:

  • Increase hydration
  • Soothe itching or burning
  • Prevent imbalances and their possible infections
  • Repair and regenerate the area

An intimate gel for the sexual sphere , both in company and individually, can be used for:

  • Increase and promote natural lubricity
  • Prevent chafing, tearing and damage caused by friction or lack of lubricity
  • Preventing condom breakage
  • Improve the overall experience of sex and masturbation

Qualities & Benefits of Cannabis Pleasure Gel by The Beemine Lab

When we started to investigate, we found a lack of products that combined these two areas and we asked ourselves: Are enjoying and maintaining intimate health mutually exclusive objectives? Our answer: to unify pleasure and intimate care in the same bottle.

When designing the intimate gel we had a series of requirements to guide the development and find that synergy: Imitates the intimate zone The female reproductive system is a fascinating organ, we thought that the best thing we could do was imitate it and thus promote the natural lubrication of our body without impeding or replacing any process.

There are a couple of ways to do this:

  • Balance it to the pH* of the vagina (pH 4.5 is suitable for women of reproductive ages).

    We were able to achieve this by using an acid: lactic acid, which is produced naturally by the vagina. And yes, the vagina is quite acidic during the reproductive years.


  • pH: The pH indicates the degree of acidity of an object or different parts of the body. These values ​​range on a scale from 0 (most acidic) to 14 (least acidic). This value is important for taking care of our body's natural defense against external factors.
    • Neutral pH: The pH is equal to 7.0
    • Acid pH: pH is less than 7.0
    • Alkaline pH: pH is higher than 7.0

Vaginal pH evolution.

From childhood to puberty the pH ranges between neutral values ​​(6.8 - 7.2)

  • During the fertile age, acidity increases and the pH fluctuates between 4 - 5.
    • During pre-menstruation. Acidity increases (pH 3.8 - 4.2)
    • During menstruation. Acidity is reduced as menstruation is alkaline (pH 6.8-7.2)
    • During pregnancy, pH values ​​are maintained at around 4.5.
    • In the postpartum period
  • During menopause, acidity decreases until it returns to neutral levels as before puberty. (7.0)

Iso-osmolar (imitates the osmolarity of the area) .

You may wonder, what is
osmolarity ? It is the level of concentration of the components of various solutions.
Okay, very scientific, let me try again: let's remember that perfect balance that our vaginal fluid has, its texture, its components and its thickness . That's why experts like the WHO and the Spanish Society of Gynecology and Obstetrics emphasize that it is essential to look for an intimate gel that imitates the osmolarity of vaginal fluid. We must be very aware and strict with this aspect because studies on the subject have found that many products on the market were hyperosmolar, and that can create damage to the mucosal barrier and vaginal walls.

Do not disturb the natural flora or cause imbalances

We imitate natural flora with adequate pH and osmolarity and select ingredients studied to maintain safety and benefit the intimate area.

You will also see that our intimate gel does not contain:

  • Glycerins
  • Petrochemicals
  • Soaps
  • Fragrances
  • Added flavors (Flavoring)

Why? Because they are ingredients that can cause imbalances and consequently increase the risk of vaginal infection and dryness .

Sources: Women's Health interview with gynecologist Alyssa Dwyek & University of Michigan Health Services recommendations

Completely hypoallergenic (suitable for sensitive and allergy-prone skin)

  • To ensure that everyone of reproductive age can use the intimate gel, we do not use any ingredients that could cause irritation or allergies .
  • To be sure, we carried out dermatological tests focused on studying irritation on sensitive skin (patch test) with real people. You can see the results here . We got an irritation index of 0 (out of 2), which indicates a cutaneous use: Very good (the best score).

Organic, edible and locally produced

  • All our ingredients come from organic farming and are certified by Ecocert .
  • Yes, it is edible . The gel is for external use, but we all know that anything can happen in bed, and we don't want to worry because we just licked a little intimate gel. (It is said that its taste is not at all unpleasant).
  • We promote local industry and produce all our products in Spain. This way we minimise our emissions while taking care of ourselves.

With these requirements in mind, we set to work to study and verify the use of Cannabis and derivatives of beekeeping and the research that existed for intimate health. With very interesting scientific support, we developed the ideal formula to unite pleasure with self-care.

Our line-up of cool ingredients includes :

  • Hemp seed extract comes from the cold pressing of the seeds produced by the Cannabis Sativa L. plant.
  • Its anti-inflammatory properties help reduce inflammation that can be caused by muscle tension, providing a feeling of relaxation. This creates the perfect environment necessary for pleasure.
  • It is apowerful antioxidant and rich in fatty acids (Omega 3 and 6 in an optimal ratio) essential for tissue repair and nutrition of our skin.
  • It has antimicrobial properties* (a property that comes from the intelligence of the Cannabis Sativa L plant to combat insects and pests, very interesting!).
    *This means that it fights bacteria , fungi and viruses.
  • Propolis comes from the Greek word, pro = entrance and polis = community or city, which means that it is the first defense used by bees . It is a resinous mixture created by bees from different plants and buds that they collect. Propolis is used to isolate, protect and repair small holes in the hive (wax is used in larger holes), and it is even used to embalm external things that enter the hive. That is why it contains magnificent properties that can protect the hive and our body . Properties that have been in medicinal pharmacopoeias since ancient times!
  • Its antimicrobial properties offer a powerful anti-fungal action. It has been studied to treat vaginitis , with very promising results as a natural solution to balance the natural flora , stopping and preventing the root of the problem. It can protect and prevent infections such as vaginitis, cystitis, candidiasis, and fungi.
  • It has anti-inflammatory and regenerative properties, especially interesting and studied for the relief and repair of both oral and vaginal mucous membranes.
  • Quinoa is a super powerful seed with a high magnesium content that can help reduce muscle tension, preventing pain and tears in the vaginal area.
  • It is packed with antioxidants , amino acids and essential fatty acids to repair , nourish and promote the elasticity of our skin . Researchers have studied its topical potential to combat skin aging and found promising results due to the natural phytochemicals in quinoa.
  • It also contains properties studied for its potential as an antimicrobial agent, super top!
  • Chlorella is a microalgae known for its healing and regenerative properties, due to its high content of amino acids, antioxidants, vitamins (B12) and minerals.
  • It also reduces inflammation and has a very interesting antimicrobial potential studied to enhance and heal the natural bacteria in our body , being a key in maintaining the balance of our vaginal flora.
  • Aloe Vera is a succulent, known for its soothing and moisturizing properties and as that plant we always use when we get sunburned. That's due to its powerful anti-inflammatory and healing properties.
  • It has antimicrobial and anti-irritant properties, as well as being ultra-slippery by nature!
  • Coconut extract comes from the coconut fruit (mistakenly attributed to the nut family). Its recognition is often focused on its deep hydration and antioxidant power, but it also has anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties.
  • Lactic acid is an acid created by the vagina, it is essential to maintain the acidic environment and prevent bacterial imbalances such as vaginitis, in fact there are studies to use it as an alternative treatment for this pathology. We have used it to adjust the pH for people of reproductive ages.

Hemp seed extract Propolis Extract Quinoa Extract Chlorella extract Aloe Vera Coconut Extract Lactic acid
Antimicrobial* X X X X X X X
Antioxidant X X X X X X X
Anti-inflammatory X X X X X X
Healing X X X
Sliding X
Moisturizing X X X X
Promotes elasticity and collagen X X
Regenerative X X X X X
Muscle Relaxer X X
Rich amino acids X X
Rich fatty acids X X X

*When an ingredient is Antibacterial, Antiviral and Antifungal it is Antimicrobial, a term that encompasses action against microorganisms, including bacteria, fungi and viruses.

How to use Cannabis Pleasure Gel?Using intimate gel can improve hydration and reduce friction or discomfort, improving the feeling of pleasure in the intimate area, but also reducing dryness and possible itching or burning in the intimate area.

Depending on the ingredients, it may be more suitable for certain discomforts or pathologies in the vaginal area.

Below we will explain the recommended instructions for use of our Cannabis Intimate Gel and the pathologies for which the product is suitable: Cannabis Pleasure Gel to care for and hydrate the intimate area:

  • Test to rule out allergies: Our intimate gel is hypoallergenic, but it is better to prevent any type of reaction if you have previously had allergies or have doubts about any of its components. Before using it, test a little of the product on the inside of your arm or wrist.
  • If after 24 hours you have not had any reaction, continue to steps 3 and 4.
  • Apply a little gel on your hand or simply on your fingers.
  • Gently massage the product into the external area of ​​the vagina.
  • Use it at the end of the day to give your intimate area a boost of hydration during the night.

Cannabis Pleasure Gel for sexual intercourse (individually or in company):

  • Apply the product generously to your hands or simply to your fingers.
  • Gently massage the product into the external area of ​​the vagina.
  • You can also ask your action partner to apply the product to you to start an interaction and some foreplay.
  • Gently massage (or allow someone to massage) the product onto the labia minora and majora, stimulating the area to provide relaxation and pleasure.
  • If you are going to use some type of sexual accessory, apply a little intimate gel on the toy and reapply if necessary in the intimate area.
  • You can also follow these steps to lubricate the condom and reduce any type of friction, increasing the pleasure in contact with your partner.
  • Get ready to experience what happens when pleasure and self-care go together.

Cases for which Cannabis Pleasure Gel can help

As this is a product recommended for people of reproductive ages, our advice is in line with those ages.

First of all, the most important thing is to remember that the vagina itself has mechanisms to clean and defend itself, which is why our intimate area is made up of a normal flora of microorganisms that help protect the area from infections and imbalances.

An imbalance in pH and natural flora can be the root of many of the following ailments.

Intimate gel for vaginitis (bacterial vaginosis, trichomoniasis, and fungus, or Candidiasis)

Vaginitis is one of the most common afflictions in reproductive ages. It is characterized by inflammation of the area that can cause pain (when urinating or having sexual relations), itching and irritation, and changes in the color and odor of the discharge (depending on the type).

They can be caused by:

  • Hormonal changes: during pregnancy, due to the use of contraceptives such as the pill or IUD (intrauterine device) and menopause.
  • Sexual activity, frequent changes in sexual partners and STIs.
  • Medications such as antibiotics and steroids.
  • Intimate hygiene products for internal use: vaginal douches, wipes or deodorants.
  • Wear damp or tight clothing.
  • Contraceptives such as the IUD (intrauterine device).
  • Diabetes.
  • A weakened immune system.

The three most common types of vaginitis are:

  • Bacterial Vaginosis (BV): Vaginosis is also very common, and occurs when our natural bacteria grow out of control.
    • Symptoms often include burning when urinating, a strong, unpleasant odor, itching, and changes in discharge color.
    • The cause is unknown, but it can be caused by frequent changes in sexual partners, a low level of vaginal bacteria, and/or the misuse of hygiene products that carry our protective bacteria. The vagina is self-cleaning, no soap is needed! This way we preserve our good protective bacteria.
    • Without proper treatment, bacterial vaginosis can lead to more serious problems. If you have severe symptoms, see your gynecologist.
    • For some tips on prevention, see below!
  • Fungus ( Candidiasis ): Fungal infections or candidiasis are common and frequent. Candida is a fungus that is normally found in the natural vaginal flora, but when there are changes in our body (or changes to the natural flora) it can reproduce quickly and can cause an infection.
    • Symptoms often include: Pain (when urinating or having sex), itching and irritation, and changes in the color of the discharge. There is usually no strong change in odor.
    • Fungi may be more common in people who are pregnant, diabetic, have a weakened immune system, are on antibiotics, or are on contraceptive/hormonal treatment (the pill).
    • Treatment consists of using vaginal suppositories or creams with anti-fungal (or antimicrobial) properties.
    • We leave you some tips below!
  • Trichomoniasis : This is an STI caused by a parasite. It can cause pain when urinating, itching, and strong odor changes. (In people with penises, it does not cause symptoms.) Its main cause, like all STIs, is unprotected sex. So if you see symptoms, go straight to your gynecologist. It is usually treated effectively with antibiotics.

Cannabis Pleasure Gel is formulated to mimic the vaginal area in reproductive ages. Its set of ingredients are antimicrobial and regenerative. They can help fight foreign infections (without changing the natural flora) and repair the skin, avoiding pain (due to its anti-inflammatory effects) and itching (because it is 100% hypoallergenic). We can prevent the appearance of vaginal infections with the following guidelines:

  • Protect our immune system with a healthy and balanced diet.
  • Use protection during sexual intercourse.
  • Avoid wearing tight underwear and non-breathable fabrics, and opt for cotton underwear. Also, avoid wearing wet clothing (swimsuits, etc.) for a long time.
  • Minimize vaginal irritation: Look for products with the appropriate pH and hypoallergenic.
  • Take care of intimate hygiene and do not disrupt the natural flora
  • Use hypoallergenic intimate soaps and gels with an adequate pH (4.5 - 5).
  • Do not douche, only use hypoallergenic soaps on the external area of ​​the vagina.
  • Use an intimate gel that mimics the vaginal area, like our Cannabis Pleasure Gel.

Sources: Mayo Clinic and CDC

Intimate gel for bad odor

Vaginal odor can vary during menstruation, after intercourse, and after exercise or any other activity that triggers sweating. But a strong, persistent, and unpleasant odor can come from:

  • An infection: bacterial vaginosis or trichomoniasis
  • Incorrect hygiene
  • Incorrect use of tampons
  • Chemical irritants (scented tampons, detergents, vaginal wipes, and soaps used inside the vaginal area.)
  • Our first (and incorrect) idea is to use wipes, soaps, deodorants or vaginal douches to get rid of the smell, but spoiler alert, they can make the situation worse. The best thing to do is to find the root of the problem in order to follow a correct treatment, always under the advice of your gynecologist.

Cannabis Pleasure Gel is formulated with propolis extract, an antimicrobial and regenerative component that takes care of your intimate area, protecting it from bacteria, fungi and infections. It also contains chlorella extract, a regenerative algae that balances imbalances in the intimate area. That's why it can be a good option to prevent imbalances in the natural flora. (Take a look at the infections section for some useful tips to prevent them.)

  • Lie down or sit down
  • Apply the product to your fingers.
  • Massage the external area of ​​the vulva with the product.
  • Let it act overnight
  • Use it for a week, if the smell persists, consult your gynecologist.

Sources: Mayo Clinic

Intimate gel for itching

You may experience both itching and irritation in the intimate area. This can be due to a number of factors:

  • An infection ( bacterial vaginosis , yeast, or candidiasis, or an STI)
  • Dryness (may come from the use of contraceptives, menopause)
  • Vulvitis (inflammation of the vulva, may be a symptom of an infection or simply a reaction to irritants)
  • Chemical irritants (douches, wipes, soaps, or vaginal deodorants, detergents, lubricants, condoms, etc.)
  • Skin conditions such as atopic dermatitis or eczema.

Usually the itching can resolve naturally within a few days, but if it persists, we can see a specialist to determine the root of the problem.

Below we leave you with some recommendations to prevent vaginal itching. Cannabis Intimate Gel is ideal for maintaining intimate well-being. It contains natural extracts with moisturizing and protective properties that will help you reduce the sensation of itching and dryness, as well as prevent friction or irritation and protect the vaginal flora. It is completely hypoallergenic, which does not cause irritation.

  • Don't scratch! It will only cause more irritation.
  • Take care of your intimate hygiene and do not disturb the natural flora
  • To clean yourself, only use hypoallergenic soaps on the external area of ​​the vagina and ONLY water for the internal area.
  • Do not douche or use vaginal wipes!
  • Avoid fabrics that do not allow perspiration and opt for cotton underwear.
  • Review the products you use at home; detergent, soap, etc. Try to use hypoallergenic products.
  • Use a moisturizing intimate gel externally 1-2 times a day.
  • Use a moisturizing intimate gel also during sexual relations to prevent friction and irritation.

Sources: Mayo Clinic and Cleveland Clinic

Intimate gel for urinary tract infection

Urinary tract infections are, along with respiratory infections, one of the most common pathologies. According to the WHO , “50% of women will have a urinary tract infection during their lifetime.” This pathology is due to bacteria entering the urinary tract and reaching the urethra or bladder . The two most common types are:

  • Cystitis (bladder infection): It is usually caused by bacteria (gastrointestinal e.Coli) that pass through the urethra and reach the bladder. Although our body has mechanisms to combat it, it can fail, after all, we are human ;).
  • Urethritis (Urethral Infection). This type of infection can occur when gastrointestinal bacteria pass from the anus into the urethra. Since the urethra is very close to the vagina, STIs can cause urethritis.

What things can cause a urinary tract infection?

  • Incorrect hygiene after defecation (cleaning too little or from the anus to the vagina).
  • Sexual relations (changing partners or having several sexual partners can increase urinary tract infections).
  • A weakened immune system.
  • Menopause: As estrogen levels change, the protection of natural flora can decrease and leave us more vulnerable.
  • The anatomy of the reproductive system: People with vaginas are already more susceptible to urinary tract infections, due to the short distance of the urinary tract (4 cm compared to 20 cm in men) and the proximity between the urethra and the anus.

Urinary tract infections can cause a constant need to urinate, pain or burning when urinating, pain in the kidneys, a cloudy or thick appearance of the urine and even fever. As soon as these pathologies appear, we should go to our family doctor to perform a urine test. To prevent infections, it is important to maintain good intimate hygiene. The use of gels with antimicrobial and moisturizing ingredients, such as Cannabis Intimate Gel, can be a great ally to protect the area from external factors when we are having sex.

  • Maintain proper hygiene (Do not use intimate hygiene products such as vaginal douches, vaginal deodorants or intimate soaps in the internal vaginal area.)
  • Wipe properly after defecation (from the vagina to the anus, never the other way around)
  • Drink plenty of water and urinate regularly.
  • Urinate after masturbating or having sex.
  • Don't use intimate gels that don't imitate the natural flora of the vagina, as they are strong enough to fight infections. Cannabis Pleasure Gel imitates the natural flora and is perfect for increasing lubricity and slippage.

Sources: Mayo Clinic

Intimate gel for dryness

The main cause of vaginal dryness is a decrease in estrogen*. However, it can also be caused by the use of intimate hygiene products that disrupt the natural flora and the use of certain medications.

*Hormone that maintains healthy vaginal tissues, proper natural lubrication, the elasticity of our vaginal tissues and acidity.

Our estrogen levels can decrease due to a variety of factors:

  • The use of hormonal contraceptives
  • Pregnancies and breastfeeding periods
  • Menopause
  • Immune syndromes
  • Excessive use of alcohol and tobacco
  • Anxiety and stress

Vaginal dryness can cause a loss of elasticity and, therefore, pain during sexual intercourse.

Vaginal dryness is usually treated with vaginal moisturizing gels. It is best to use a product with the correct pH for your intimate area, and with natural and antimicrobial ingredients that will not interfere with the natural flora of the vagina. The Intimate Gel with Cannabis has a pH of 4.5, recommended for people of reproductive age and contains moisturizing and soothing ingredients that increase elasticity such as: hemp, quinoa and aloe vera. It also contains chlorella extract, an algae with regenerative and antimicrobial properties that have been studied to regulate the imbalances of the natural bacteria in our body.

  • Get into a comfortable position, you can sit or lie down.
  • Apply the product to your hands or fingers.
  • Massage the product into the external area of ​​the vagina.
  • Leave it on overnight and use it for 5-7 days. If dryness persists, consult your gynecologist or specialist.

Sources: Mayo Clinic

Cases for which Cannabis Pleasure Gel is not recommended

Intimate gel for the anus

Anal intercourse without proper lubrication can cause pain, irritation or burning. It is very important to moisturize the area with an appropriate intimate gel to promote dilation and increase pleasure during penetration as many times as necessary.

Our Intimate Gel is formulated with a water base to imitate as much as possible the natural lubrication of the vaginal area. Something to keep in mind is that water-based intimate gels are quickly absorbed and do not require the product to be applied several times.

Cannabis Pleasure Gel is formulated with a pH of 4.5, lower than the pH of the anal area (5.5-7) so it is best to look for a lubricant appropriate to the pH of this area.

  • Clean the area beforehand with a product suitable for the anal pH.
  • Apply the lubricant to your fingers and spread it around the anus.
  • Start by gradually dilating the area and maintain a relaxed state to facilitate penetration.
  • If you are going to have anal sex with another person, also apply the product on the condom, never on the inside of the condom to prevent it from slipping off.
  • If you are going to have vaginal penetration after anal penetration, you should change the condom and apply a moisturizing gel with the appropriate pH for the vagina. (Remember that some substances present in the anal canal can cause vaginal infections).

Intimate menopause gel

Once menstruation stops, the acidity of the vagina decreases, increasing the pH to neutral (around 7). One of the symptoms of menopause is vaginal dryness, which can make sexual relations uncomfortable, painful or undesirable.

To moisturise and care for the intimate area, both cleansers (external area) and moisturising gels with an appropriate pH can be used. In this case, the Cannabis Intimate Gel is not suitable as it has a more acidic pH indicated for women of reproductive age (4.5-5).

  • Try to drink the recommended amount of water a day (2L) and take care of your diet
  • Use vaginal moisturizing products to maintain healthy vaginal tissues. (pH neutral)
  • Stimulate the area often, with or without a partner, don't forget to make your vagina happy and it will make you happy.
  • Before going to sleep or having sex, apply moisturizing gels or lubricants with natural ingredients to the external area of ​​the vagina.

Intimate gel for pregnancy and postpartum

Vaginal discharge and irregularities are common during pregnancy. Due to hormonal changes and the preparation of the birth canal, a loss of vaginal flora can occur, making the genital area more prone to infections. After childbirth, the risk of infection increases due to possible tissue ruptures that facilitate the entry of external microorganisms.

During these two stages , the vaginal pH level increases (3.8 - 4.2) to protect against infection. In addition, both the cervix and uterus may become more exposed. As the area becomes more humid, the skin is also more prone to injury, fungus and infection. Other important factors to consider are possible tears, episiotomies or injuries and how these wounds increase the chances of infection.

In this case our Cannabis Pleasure Gel has a pH of 4.5 and contains ingredients with relaxing, protective and regenerative properties, but its pH is NOT formulated for this type of use, therefore we do not recommend it.

  • Use a cleanser with an acidic pH (same as the area) and clean the postpartum stitches (if any) daily. NOTE: only the external area, use water for the rest.
  • Avoid wearing tight clothing in the intimate area.
  • Pay attention to changing pads during the postpartum period to avoid excess moisture and possible infections.
  • Use a moisturizing intimate gel with a suitable pH and natural and active ingredients that are soothing and regenerative: Aloe Vera, green tea, etc.

Pediatric intimate gel

Vaginal discharge or secretions outside the first few days of a baby's life or the fertile age (over 12-14 years) are uncommon and may be due to a number of factors such as poor hygiene techniques, contact of the area with irritating substances, infections or parasites.

In this case, our Intimate Gel with Cannabis is not suitable as it is formulated with a pH of 4.5, which is more acidic than the alkaline vaginal pH (above 7) characteristic of the stages of childhood.

  • Be sure to teach proper cleaning techniques (front to back).
  • Use products to clean the area with an adequate pH.
  • Choose products that are clinically and dermatologically tested and hypoallergenic to avoid irritation and imbalances.

Intimate gel for men

Soaps, gels and intimate lubricants for people with penises can help to moisturize and maintain proper hygiene in the area (penis, testicles and anus).

Moisturizing gels reduce the risk of tears or wounds due to friction during sexual intercourse and consequently reduce the risk of infections. Meanwhile, intimate soaps prevent infections and/or the proliferation of bacteria.

The penis has an alkaline/neutral pH (approximately 7 or higher). It is important to use products with a neutral pH and hypoallergenic ingredients to avoid irritation or itching and redness in the area.

It is not suitable to use Cannabis Pleasure Gel, as it is formulated with a pH of 4.5. An abuse of the product on an area with a pH of 4.5 is recommended.

  • Use a condom for vaginal, anal or oral penetration.
  • Good lubrication prevents unpleasantness and increases pleasure. Stimulate your partner's and your own natural lubrication, either through foreplay or intimate moisturizing gels.
  • Clean the intimate area with warm water, gently pulling back the foreskin to clean it and prevent the buildup of smegma, which causes odor and can lead to balanitis (inflammation).
  • Clean the intimate area also after sex with a little water to prevent the proliferation of bacteria.
  • Don't forget to wash your testicles and anus frequently to prevent sweat from creating a strong odor.

Sources: Healthily