10 ways to boost your Endocannabinoid System

10 maneras de potenciar tu Sistema Endocannabinoide
We already know many of the benefits of including CBD oil in our diet, such as reducing inflammation or anxiety, but how does this happen? CBD oil affects and helps our own Endocannabinoid System (ECS) to function better. In today's article we are going to understand the importance of the Endocannabinoid system and 10 habits that we can use in our daily lives to improve its functioning.

What is the Endocannabinoid System (ECS)?

Known as the master regulatory system, it is responsible for maintaining homeostasis or balance in the body. Its components, endocannabinoids (like neurotransmitters in the brain), are molecularly similar to the phytocannabinoids found in plants such as Cannabis. There are 2 main endocannabinoids found to date: Anandamide and 2-arachidonoylglycerol (2-AG). These 2 attach to the so-called receptors: CB1 in the central nervous system (brain in particular) and CB2 in the peripheral nervous system (spinal cord and organs). Here we can see the different functions that the ECS regulates and controls. * Neuropathic pain comes from damage or disease that affects the somatosensory system

How to improve the functioning of my Endocannabinoid System (ECS)?

Although we can focus only on consuming CBD-rich products from Cannabis, it is more advisable to boost your Endocannabinoid System in more ways. You may wonder why... The answer is very simple, the more you support the functioning of your ECS, the better CBD products will work. More and more scientific studies are linking low levels of endocannabinoids with disorders as varied as autism, migraines, fibromyalgia , and irritable bowel syndrome. Let's take a look at these 10 ways to boost your ECS!
  1. Physical activity

Physical exercise is very beneficial for many areas of your health, including the Endocannabinoid system. Exercise can increase levels of the CB1 activator, anandamide, and also increases the sensitivity of these receptors. It is more important to exercise regularly than to exercise in a quantity or intensity.
  1. Sunbathe

Sunbathing on a summer day does wonders to improve your mood. In addition to boosting vitamin D synthesis, the sun boosts your Endocannabinoid System. UVA rays promote the production of nitric oxide (vasodilator) which in turn increases the number of CB1 receptors throughout the body. 20 minutes a day outside of peak hours, without protection, is the amount recommended by experts.
  1. Eat quality fats

The endocannabinoids naturally present in our body are produced from Omega 6 fatty acids (arachidonic acid). Excessive consumption of Omega 6, however, can cause an imbalance with Omega 3 that increases inflammation. To prevent this from happening, it is advisable to consume foods with a healthy ratio of Omega 3 to 6. The best are: organic eggs, flax seeds, chia, wild salmon, sardines and hemp seed oil and hemp seeds themselves.
  1. Exposure to cold

Exposure to cold, whether through cold showers or winter walks, has been shown to stimulate the Endocannabinoid System (ECS). If you are someone who lives in a warm climate year-round, try cold showers or baths.
  1. Reduce stress

Stress is known to be the main factor that causes many physical disorders to start. When you are stressed, cortisol levels rise. This hormone, when triggered, reduces CB1 receptors in the brain's hippocampus and therefore cannabinoid activity in that region. When someone suffers from chronic stress, these CB1 receptors are chronically deactivated. To reduce stress levels, you can exercise, do yoga, or practice meditation.
  1. Drink electrolyte-rich beverages

Electrolytes such as calcium, potassium and magnesium are very important to keep you hydrated and regulate your pH. Various studies have shown that adequate consumption of calcium and potassium electrolytes enhances the activity of CB1 receptors and the transport of endocannabinoids.
  1. Increase your intake of vitamin A

This fat-soluble vitamin boosts the functioning of your immune system and increases the expression of CB1 receptors. You can find vitamin A in: orange-coloured vegetables and fruits such as sweet potatoes or carrots, wild salmon, organic butter, ghee (clarified butter), etc.
  1. More chocolate?

Yes, you are reading correctly. Cocoa and its unrefined derivatives (pure cocoa powder, and chocolate with more than 70% and sweetened in a healthy way with honey or whole sugar) contain the cannabinoid Anandamide and other compounds that prevent it from deteriorating in our body. The closer to pure cocoa, the better!
  1. Drink more tea

Tea, especially green tea, contains antioxidants called catechins that stimulate the endocannabinoid system by binding to receptors in the central nervous system (CB1). Choose organic teas as regular harvests are heavily contaminated by pesticides and other chemicals.
  1. Avoid Endocannabinoid System (ECS) inhibitors

Last but not least, it is important to avoid food contaminants such as pesticides or microplastics found in bottled water, as they block the activity of the Endocannabinoid System and hinder its functioning. Choose, whenever possible, organic products and glass containers. LITERATURE
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  • Cannabinoid receptor type 1
  • Type 2 cannabinoid receptors
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