Take care of your skin with Spirulina and Honey with CBD

Cuida tu piel con Espirulina y Miel con CBD
This week we will introduce you to Spirulina. Another superfood that has many benefits when we apply it to our skin or ingest it, and that provides us with a quantity of proteins, vitamins and many other nutrients that are essential for our skin and health.


Spirulina is a single-celled algae in powder form, rich in antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, essential fatty acids, nucleic acids, chlorophyll and a variety of phytochemicals, and is part of what is known as superfoods. It helps the immune system, balances cholesterol levels, repairs skin, nails and hair, gives energy and helps fight allergies. It is low in saturated fats and calories and provides essential fatty acids that are not found in animal meat, eggs and dairy products. Being in powder form, the high content of proteins, iron, calcium and other nutrients is digested and used to the maximum in our body. Topically, Spirulina is a skin detoxifier, helping skin complexion and glow. It reduces acne breakouts and helps reduce dark circles. It protects against toxins and environmental aggressors and cleanses and energizes your skin. Spirulina is mostly a dietary supplement that can be taken, usually in powder or capsule form. But we can also include it in our skin routine. Spirulina Mask
  • 1 tablespoon of organic spirulina
  • 1 tablespoon of Hani+ (Organic rosemary honey) (can be added to Hani+)
  • 1 tablespoon of water
  • ½ teaspoon lemon juice (optional)
How to use: There are two interesting ways to use this mask. You can use it directly on your face or you can use a sheet mask. You can buy compressed cotton face masks at herbalists; they are hypoallergenic and biodegradable. As always, we start with a clean, damp face and let the mask sit for about 20-30 minutes. With the compressed face mask: Add a little more water. Soak the mask in it and leave it on for 20 minutes to an hour. Apply the mask and leave it on for 20-30 minutes. These masks can be washed and reused a couple of times. Directly on the face: Apply with your hands or a brush, leave on for 20-30 minutes and remove with a damp cloth or warm water.

Hydration at night

Whenever we do a face mask, we must remember to maintain our cleansing routine. We must also remember that although the night is a great time to cleanse the skin during the day, we must maintain a cleansing routine in the morning as well, even if it is shorter. We clean our face with our cleanser, with a wet face and open pores, and we apply the mask. After long days, especially in the city, purifying our skin before going to sleep is great, at night is when the skin recovers from the day. After removing the mask we can use a moisturizing cream, if you have been in the sun we recommend the moisturizing cream with hemp and honey and if you need more you can use the 3% hemp extract. At night, a stronger cream is usually used to repair the skin. A serum is also great for weak spots like the eyes and around the mouth. For example, since I have dry and sensitive skin, I usually use a pure oil. Rosehip is great, as is argan, and sometimes I mix jojoba oil with my normal face cream. All of these oils are great for all skin types, they won't block your pores and they cleanse your skin of impurities during the night.

So natural you can eat it.

This mask is so natural that I actually use the same mixture to make my morning tonic. When I wake up, just before breakfast I usually drink a glass of water to cleanse the digestive system. After a light breakfast (fruit and toast) you can make a spirulina drink. Spirulina, being an algae powder, tastes a lot like fish food, so to compensate for that taste we can combine it with honey and a little lemon. It has a protein level equal to or higher than meat, it is easier to digest and does not produce as many by-products as animal protein. I usually make the mixture with 1 glass of water, 1 ½ teaspoons of spirulina, honey to taste and a slice of lemon. Where to find organic spirulina powder. We recommend that you buy organic and better buy it from a trusted herbalist where you can see it and ask before buying. A brand that we really like is Naturya.