"CBD for me is a natural and safe alternative to ibuprofen" We interviewed Aritz Aranburu

"El CBD para mi es una alternativa natural y segura al ibuprofeno" Entrevistamos a Aritz Aranburu
In October 2020 we welcomed Aritz Aranburu as our first ambassador, the only professional Spanish surfer who has surpassed the 12,000 point barrier and qualified for the WCT (World Surf League), being the first Spaniard and fifth European to achieve this in the history. Our colleague Lucas Corrales interviews him to find out which are his favorite products from the brand. L: Hi, Artiz. Thank you so much for giving us this interview. Although this is not the first time we have spoken with you, you already told me something about your own history with CBD. Can you tell us how and when you discovered CBD? A: Hi Lucas, I discovered it more than 6-7 years ago in Hawaii . Every year during November and December, the best surfers go to compete there. It's where the waves are strongest and you have to know how to surf them to be respected in the world of surfing. There are many of us who want to catch the best waves, there is a lot of competition, sometimes we hurt ourselves trying. One day I hit my own board and when I got out of the water a friend showed me a roll on, he told me that he was trying CBD and that it was great for him. When people tell me that it comes from Cannabis, I feel the same thing that happens to everyone: I think about the recreational use of Cannabis and the typical prejudices regarding it. Then you do some research and discover that CBD is a safe component that doesn't get you high or addictive . Cannabis is a plant like any other and has a lot of medicinal potential. You get to know the plant again , because we all know that there are therapies or treatments for which Cannabis is recommended. I go home and ask my friends, no one had heard of CBD. It is something that, at that time , not only had not reached Spain , it simply was not a global trend like it is now. Since it was impossible to find CBD products in Spain, I forgot about the subject until you wrote to me this year. The truth is that the first thing I thought was that CBD had finally arrived in Spain. L: We want to know a little about your routine with CBD. Do you use it at the end of the day or at the beginning? A: Surfing is very physically demanding, not only because of the muscular effort you can put in, but it also has certain risks and you can always get hit. I consider myself a very active person, so after a day of surfing, CBD helps me relax my body and mind a bit. Especially after training, it helps me disconnect and relax. After a few uses you start to notice it more, I have realized that it is more effective when you are more consistent. When a product of this type works, it is especially noticeable the next day, by how you wake up, how you feel... And the pains that you no longer feel, too. L: It is very interesting at the level of muscle recovery, tissue repair, I use CBD Oil almost daily for an injury. A: Of course, I use CBD every day, as I was saying, I have discovered that it is better to be consistent, so at the end of the day or training I use CBD oil and apply a little of the recovery balm to a blow or a muscle that I notice is particularly strained. L: And for you, what is the difference compared to other products or treatments? A: For me there is a key difference and that is that I am allergic to ibuprofen. CBD gives me a natural and safer alternative. Obviously NSAIDs are very effective but then you notice that your body suffers in other parts because they have other side effects. As an athlete you cannot afford to rely only on NSAIDs because it is not good to resort to them regularly. Well, not only that, WADA has lifted the veto on CBD and this step by the Olympic anti-drug committee gives a lot of credibility to CBD . In competitions, if you take two ibuprofens, you test positive, and in the days leading up to the competition you make a tremendous physical effort to prepare. I am glad to know that in the next Olympics we will have a much safer anti-inflammatory and analgesic . L: Would you recommend CBD as a natural alternative for fitness? Out of curiosity, do any of your colleagues in the sports world already use it? A: For me, CBD is definitely a natural alternative that I recommend not only to other athletes but also to my family and friends. My mother, for example, uses CBD oil and it works great for her. The truth is that CBD in the sports field is something that is already present internationally . Its use is spreading quite a bit and the Olympics are going to be a key moment to share the products among us and how CBD works for us. At the moment I have colleagues from other countries who I know use it but here in Spain it is still a novelty. L: We know that you have a few admirers in your team, so we are delighted that you wanted to collaborate on our project. Can you tell us a little about why? A: What I liked most about this project is that I felt very identified with it from the beginning. The whole team is very young and very active. As soon as they have a weekend they drive from Madrid to catch some waves. The fact that they really know the surfing environment and the environmental commitment they have closes the circle completely. The fact that they want to give back to the world the contribution that all consumers make through beekeeping seems to me to be a very good example of how the CBD trend should continue to grow. L: Thank you very much, we work hard to offer the best quality-price ratio and the most natural and sustainable products possible. Can you give us some feedback? Which one is your favourite? A: My favorite products: The 20% CBD Oil and the CBD recovery balm . I also use the cream a lot because being in the salty water all day makes my skin dry and this cream is absorbed in no time. Compared to other CBD products , what I can highlight about The Beemine Lab is that I like to use ingredients that are as natural as possible . The formulas have a lot of plant ingredients, they are free of toxins and pesticides. I also like to know that the packaging is made with sustainable materials. L: That's it. Thank you very much again for giving us some of your time and Ongi etorri, see you soon in Zarautz! A: You can count on it. Thanks to you, it's a pleasure to be part of the team. If you want to know more about the benefits for physical recovery and reducing muscle pain and inflammation, take a look at our article: CBD and sport: What are its benefits?