How to combat dry skin with CBD

Cómo combatir la piel seca con CBD
Keeping our skin in good condition has become a constant battle throughout our lives, especially in a society that increasingly worships beauty. Many people suffer from dry skin and have to deal daily with a series of factors that further increase the symptoms of this skin . Therefore, it is very important to have good skin care habits , be consistent and use the right cosmetics to keep the skin looking healthy and avoid possible complications.

Dry skin: What is it?

Dry skin is a type of skin in particular. It is a permanent condition that presents symptoms of tightness in the face and body , and whose main cause is an abnormality in the skin barrier. It is defined as skin with a “dry appearance”, it is thin and rough, and it may even present redness.

Characteristics of dry skin

Dry skin ( medical name: xerosis ) is characterized by the absence of water and lipids in the outer layer of the skin (epidermis). Unlike dehydrated skin, dry or very dry skin is a chronic condition that is due to a genetic dysfunction and is considered a skin type like combination and oily skin. It is also important to note that this dryness can be innate (genetic) or acquired by a series of external factors. The surface of healthy skin is naturally protected by a hydrolipidic film made up of water and lipids (sebum). This impermeable barrier acts as a defence against external aggressions and prevents water loss. When the balance between the amount of water and lipids is broken, the barrier function cannot be carried out effectively and symptoms of dry skin such as tightness , itching , peeling and even redness and burning begin to appear.
Unlike dehydrated skin, dry or very dry skin is a chronic condition that is due to a genetic dysfunction and is considered a skin type like combination and oily skin.
The defect of dry skin lies in the peeling mechanism of the stratum corneum of the epidermis . In normal skin, the glycoprotein-lipoprotein “cement” that holds the surface layer of scales together completely degenerates, so that the scales fall off individually and invisibly. In dry skin, the cementum does not completely degenerate and the surface of the scales tends to “stick together”. Lipid deficiency causes the skin to lose its ability to retain water and moisture to be lost, which causes the scales to curl at the edges, making the skin rougher to the touch and dull or matte in appearance. When the scales come off, they fall off forming visible groups or aggregates of scales, which is known as “dandruff”. All of this contributes to the appearance of the typical symptoms of dry skin : flaking, tightness, dull appearance and itching, among many others (1). Differences between peeling on normal skin and on dry skin

What factors cause dry skin? How can we prevent it?

As mentioned above, dry skin can be an innate condition that a person is born with, but there can also be certain external factors that promote dry skin and that if not controlled or avoided can make the problem chronic. The most common factors are :
  • Dry environments: the use of air conditioning and heating reduces the humidity of the environment and as a consequence can dry out the skin.
  • Cold climates: When the weather is cold and dry, many people suffer from peeling and redness of the skin, which is known as “cold urticaria”. This causes a lot of damage to the skin if it is not repaired with moisturizing and emollient active ingredients.
  • Excessive bathing or exfoliation: Taking long showers or hot baths and exfoliating the skin too much can dry it out, as this could remove the natural oils that form part of the skin's hydrolipidic film.
  • Abrasive soaps and detergents: soaps are emulsifiers, meaning their function is to remove grease, so it is important not to overuse this type of product on a continuous basis. Likewise, skincare products with a high concentration of alcohol will dry out the skin and leave it in a bad condition.
  • Medical treatments: Some people develop dry skin after undergoing cancer treatment, receiving dialysis, or taking certain medications that dry the skin such as isotretinoin, diuretics, and statins.
  • Age: As people age, the skin becomes thinner and produces less oil, which is essential for the skin to retain water and prevent its evaporation.
It is important to take good care of this type of skin and prevent, as far as possible, the appearance of symptoms. To do this, it is very important to have all these factors that we have already mentioned under control and to follow a skin care routine based on emollient and moisturizing active ingredients (2) .

Possible consequences of this skin

If the symptoms and factors that cause them are not properly controlled, some conditions can occur in this skin (2)(3) :
  1. Atopic dermatitis : Excessive dryness can reactivate this disease in patients who are prone to developing it. Eczema, rashes and cracking of the skin appear.
  2. Infections : Dry skin can lead to cracks and fissures that can seriously compromise the skin's protective mechanisms. This allows bacteria and other microorganisms to enter, causing possible infections.
  3. Premature skin aging : One of the main consequences of dry skin is the early appearance of wrinkles. Lack of water and lipids reduces the firmness of the skin and decreases collagen synthesis. In addition, the skin's barrier function is weakened and it is more prone to being attacked by external factors that promote signs of aging .
  4. Flaking and dull skin : This is one of the main symptoms of dry skin. As you know, this skin has an alteration in the peeling mechanism, which is why it looks rough, dull and lackluster.

How to care for dry skin?

Dry skin requires careful and constant care. In addition, it is important to choose the cosmetic products to be used carefully , since they must provide water and lipids to replenish the deficit in the hydrolipidic barrier. It is advisable to deal with this condition by following the following recommendations (3) :
  1. Skin cleansing should be done with mild soaps or cleansers that contain moisturizing properties to relieve the feeling of dryness. Cleansers made with alcohol, fragrances, dyes, etc. should be avoided. Anti-dryness cleansing milks or cleansing oils are ideal to prevent the feeling of tightness in the skin.
  2. After cleansing, it is important to use a mild, alcohol-free astringent toner . Ideally, it should contain soothing and emollient active ingredients that can tone the skin and relieve dryness symptoms at the same time.
  3. The next step is the most important of all: moisturizing the skin . Dry skin produces less natural fat, so it needs extra hydration to stay healthy and young. Ideally, you should use cosmetics with moisturizing active ingredients (urea, hyaluronic acid, etc.) to replenish the water deficit and retain it inside the skin. In addition, you should use emollient active ingredients (oils, ceramides, etc.) to counteract the lack of lipids and reinforce the skin's barrier function, thus avoiding transepidermal water loss. Providing emolliency and hydration to the skin reduces and soothes the signs of dryness and tightness, so this step is essential to keep the skin in good condition and reduce the symptoms of the condition. To do this, you should use a cream rich in emollients and moisturizers at least twice a day and be consistent with this step.
  4. Other factors to keep in mind when caring for dry skin, especially on your face, include not using products that contain alcohol and choosing liquid foundations , never compact ones, because they dry out the skin more. Also, avoid excessive exposure to the sun as much as possible and use a sunscreen with a high SPF+.
  5. It is highly recommended to exfoliate your skin once or twice a week , as this type of skin tends to flake and dead cells accumulate on the surface, clogging the pores and giving the skin a dull appearance. For this reason, it is recommended to use an enzymatic exfoliant for the face, as it gently exfoliates and does not damage the skin. For the rest of the body, we could use a scrub-type exfoliant, applying it gently and massaging it in circular motions over all areas. This will speed up the peeling process and make the skin look better and brighter.
  6. Finally, it is essential to stay well hydrated from the inside . You should drink at least 2 litres of water a day to keep this type of skin in good condition, as its water requirements are greater. In addition, a good diet along with a balanced diet helps to strengthen the skin barrier and makes it less prone to external aggressions.

CBD cosmetics for dry skin

Cannabidiol (CBD) has been shown to have excellent benefits for treating dry skin and soothing its symptoms. As mentioned above, dry skin primarily presents a lipid deficiency, which causes an alteration in the skin's barrier function, causing it to lose water and become dehydrated. In addition, the skin flakes and cracks, giving it a dull and lackluster appearance.
It is important to choose carefully the cosmetic products to be used , since they have to provide water and lipids to replenish the deficit in the hydrolipidic barrier.
Therefore, introducing creams with CBD or hemp oil into the skin care routine could significantly improve the symptoms of the condition.

Benefits of CBD on dry skin

CBD can be a good option for treating dry skin because it acts on the symptoms and triggers of this condition:
  1. Hemp seed oil contains very low concentrations of THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) and high concentrations of CBD (cannabidiol), so its topical use is safe and has enormous benefits for dry skin. This oil contains large amounts of polyunsaturated fatty oils such as omega-3 and omega-6, vitamin E, high amounts of phenols and other antioxidants that restore the skin's hydrolipidic mantle, as they provide emolliency and replenish fats. Therefore, the skin tends to lose less water and retains what it already has because the intercorneocyte cement of the epidermis is more reinforced (4)(5) .
  2. Another problem with this type of skin is the tendency to flake and accumulate dead cells on the skin surface. It has been shown that CBD plays an important role in regulating the regeneration of skin cells, that is, in cell renewal . CBD inhibits cell hyperproliferation, so it acts by regulating this cell replacement through the endocannabinoid receptors CB1 and CB2 of the ECS, so dead skin cells are replaced by new ones and the excessive accumulation of others that can make the skin look dull and rough is prevented. In this way, the skin looks brighter and healthier (6)(7) .
  3. It is important to highlight the role that CBD has on the itching and inflammation that is sometimes accompanied by redness of this type of skin. Depending on the degree of dryness of the skin, sometimes these symptoms appear together, but generally, the signs of itching and tightness always appear. Cannabidiol has calming effects since its binding to the CB1 receptors of the ECS calms the itching and induces analgesia, and it also has anti-inflammatory effects, which is why it reduces the redness associated with extreme dryness and it does this by binding to both the CB1 and CB2 receptors. All this reduces the feeling of discomfort associated with this skin and promotes greater well-being for the patient (8) .

What CBD cosmetics can I use?

Topical administration is the ideal way to treat this type of skin. The most common cosmetic form is cream, but it has been shown that alternating creams and oils in the care routine significantly improves the symptoms of dry skin . At The Beemine Lab we offer you a series of products indicated for this type of skin and that can be very useful to control the symptoms of dryness and tightness. First of all, we highlight the 3% CBD oil that contains repairing and nourishing ingredients such as flavonoids, vitamins, fatty acids and essential amino acids that will give your skin its hydrated and nourished appearance, as they reinforce the barrier function and prevent water evaporation. We can apply this oil 2-3 times a week in the morning and at night by means of circular massages all over the face until it is completely absorbed. On the other hand, we highlight the role of cannabidiol creams. The CBD moisturizing cream can be applied morning and night or alternating with the CBD revitalizing cream that could be used only at night. These creams contain moisturizing ingredients (hyaluronic acid, water...) and emollients (ceramides, honey, beeswax, jojoba oil...) that will restore the balance of the hydrolipidic film and relieve the feeling of dryness in the skin. They can be used alone or in conjunction with 3% CBD oil , adding about 2-3 drops of this oil to these creams, or applying them on alternate days to achieve greater benefits on the skin . Finally, it is important to also highlight the importance of taking care of the skin of the body, since it also suffers from dryness and must be given the same care. For this we have our CBD and honey body lotion that will nourish our skin to the maximum and will be absorbed quickly because being a lotion it will not leave any residue and will provide greater comfort and freshness. The best time to apply this lotion is right after the shower , since the pores are open and the absorption of the product will be further favored. Literature:
  1. Simons, J.V., (1999). Cosmetics, Formulation, preparation and application. London, England: AMV EDITIONS.
  4. Mounessa, Jessica S. et al. “The role of cannabinoids in dermatology” Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology, Volume 77, Issue 1, 188 – 190
  5. Tóth KF, Ádám D, Bíró T, Oláh A. “ Cannabinoid Signaling in the Skin: Therapeutic Potential of the “C(ut)annabinoid” System “. Molecules . 2019;24(5):918. Published 2019 Mar 6. doi:10.3390/molecules24050918
  6. Casares L, García V, Garrido-Rodríguez M, et al. “ Cannabidiol induces antioxidant pathways in keratinocytes by targeting BACH1 .” Redox Biol . 2020;28:101321. doi:10.1016/j.redox.2019.101321
  7. Wilkinson JD, Williamson EM. Cannabinoids inhibit human keratinocyte proliferation through a non-CB1/CB2 mechanism and have a potential therapeutic value in the treatment of psoriasis. J Dermatol Sci. 2007 Feb;45(2):87-92. doi: 10.1016/j.jdermsci.2006.10.009. Epub 2006 Dec 6. PMID: 17157480.
  8. Avila C, Massick S, Kaffenberger BH, Kwatra SG, Bechtel M, Cannabinoids for the Treatment of Chronic Pruritus: A Review, J ournal of the American Academy of Dermatology (2020), doi: j.jaad.2020.01.036.