The benefits of CBD for sport: Cannabis and Running

Los beneficios del CBD para el deporte: Cannabis y Running
Name: Pamela
Age: 26
Where are you from/live: Venezuela/Madrid
What feeds you: Design and marketing at LaMarca
Favorite food: Sushi
Favorite movie: I can't remember a favorite, I've liked many. But the last series I watched that I loved: Peaky Blinders and all the episodes of "Explained" are great. (I usually watch more series)
If you were on an island, what 3 things would you take with you: (Not deserted) chocolate, a kite and a book
What physical activity(ies) do you usually practice?
Running, I also train strength at the gym and practice the Tracy Anderson Method.
Why this activity and not another?
I really enjoy running because I get to do races every now and then and that makes training meaningful and keeps me committed and motivated.
What is your level of involvement?
Half... I have run a marathon and several half marathons.
When and how often do you practice it?
I run 3 times a week or so. On Tuesdays with the LaMarca running club.
In what environment do you usually practice your physical activity?
Outdoors as much as possible, Retiro for short training sessions, Madrid Río and Casa de Campo for long runs. Sometimes I go to the mountains.
What do you prefer, inside or outside, in the city or in the country?
Out in the countryside. To enjoy nature and avoid traffic lights hahaha.
Describe your typical routine
I go to the gym in the morning or go for a run, then I have breakfast at home, I ride my bike to the office and I spend the day working between the office and LaMarca depending on the day. I make lunch either at home or take it to the office or eat at Roots. When I get off work I walk home, prepare dinner with my sister, we watch a series and then go to sleep.
Do you have a post-sport recovery routine?
If the answer is yes, can you describe it? You stretch, walk a little, drink a smoothie, get a massage…
A good breakfast, usually eggs and avocado. From time to time I use the roller and/or go to the physio.
Do you have a specific ritual or do you vary it?
I vary it, it depends on whether I'm training for a race or not.
Have you tried using cannabinoids to accompany your favorite physical activity(ies)?
If you answered yes, could you say in what format?
CBD oil and the emergency balm.
If you answered yes to the question, can you tell us about your last experience with cannabinoids in your physical activity routine?
Lately I have had trouble falling asleep so I take a few drops of CBD oil before going to bed and it helps me a lot to relax.
Do you think cannabinoids can have a beneficial use when it comes to sports?
Yes, of course, oil helps a lot with recovery and I'm starting to use the emergency balm which feels amazing when applied. I'll tell you more about that later.