Benefits of CBD for sport: Cannabis and Golf

Beneficios del CBD para el deporte: Cannabis y Golf
Name: John Age: 48 Where are you from/do you live: Madrid What feeds you: I am an entrepreneur, I sell products in marketplaces Favorite physical activity: Golf Favorite food: Baked fish Favorite movie: The party If you were on an island, what 3 things would you take with you: Matches, a machete and a golf bag (with clubs and balls of course) What physical activity(ies) do you usually practice? Golf Why this activity and not another? It helps me to clear my mind, to escape from the stress of the city, from the noise, from the rush, from the traffic jams. What is your level of involvement? Amateur When and how often do you practice it? I usually train two or three hours a week and play once a week. In what environment do you usually practice your physical activity? At the club where I am a member and at other public courses What do you prefer, inside or outside, in the city or in the country? Clearly in the countryside, outside, even if it rains Describe your typical routine To warm up, I practice hip-trunk twists, stretch my arms and back, and if I have time, I hit a few balls or chip a little and then play. Do you have a post-sport recovery routine? Yes, stretch your legs and psoas. Can you describe it? You stretch, walk a little, drink a smoothie, get a massage… I stretch the back of my legs by placing the top of my foot on a step and leaning forward. I stretch the psoas by bringing my bent leg back and pulling the instep up. Do you have a specific ritual or do you vary it? Always the same Have you tried using cannabinoids to accompany your favorite physical activity(ies)? Yes, and you notice a general feeling of lightness in your body. This is good in golf to avoid muscle stiffness in the swing, to be more relaxed. If you answered yes, could you say in what format? I have tried Beemine CBD honey and CBD hemp oil Can you tell us about your latest experience with cannabinoids in your physical activity routine? A couple of weeks ago, I took a few drops of 3% CBD hemp oil under my tongue. About two hours later I went out to play golf and from the tee on hole 1, where there is usually more tension because it is the first shot or there are usually people watching, I was pretty relaxed, the swing flowed smoothly and the shot came out as I expected. In the rest of the shots of the match I continued to notice that feeling of lightness and balance. Do you think cannabinoids can have a beneficial use when it comes to sports? In golf, yes, they clearly help you avoid unnecessary stiffness and promote fluid and light movement, with a good trunk-hip rotation, without forcing and maintaining good physical and mental balance.