CBD for Back Pain: Properties and Effects that could relieve you

CBD para el Dolor de Espalda: Propiedades y Efectos que podrían aliviarte

Can CBD Help Back Pain?

Back pain is one of the most common medical problems, affecting 80% of the world's population at some point in their lives. Back pain affects the musculoskeletal system. It can occur at any point in the back and generally appears acutely, persists for days or weeks and resolves spontaneously, without representing a serious health problem. There are, however, chronic conditions that last more than three months and can further affect a person's quality of life. The most common back pains are those that affect the upper and lower back:
  • Neck pain : It is almost always associated with pain in the neck muscles and sometimes with headaches.
  • Lower back pain : known as lumbago, affects posture maintenance and can be temporarily disabling.

Causes: How CBD works against back pain

Back pain is generally non-specific and can be caused by overexertion, sudden movements and incorrect positions when working or resting, which facilitate the appearance of contractures, inflammation and pain. Advancing age is also a risk factor. There are back pains that are more problematic due to their neuropathic origin, caused by osteoarthritis, herniated disc or neuronal inflammation as in the case of sciatica. There are also back pains caused by systemic diseases such as ankylosing spondylitis and osteoporosis.

CBD for neck pain and lower back pain

To prevent and treat mild back pain , it is advisable to perform specific stretches and exercises and try to rest while maintaining daily activities and avoiding long periods in bed. In the first 48 hours, applying cold compresses can help, while subsequently, applying heat can be used. Our CBD creams with a cold effect will help you in these early stages. You can also consult physiotherapists or massage therapists and use analgesic and anti-inflammatory products, both natural and pharmaceutical, for internal and/or external use. If there is no improvement, it is advisable to go to the doctor to perform the appropriate tests. (1)(2)(3)(4)(5) Take care of your back pain with CBD

CBD oil for back pain

The Endocannabinoid System , responsible for maintaining the balance of our body, has a very close relationship with the Nervous System, the Musculoskeletal System and the Circulatory System, influencing inflammatory and pain processes. (8) CBD Oil , due to its ability to stimulate the functioning of the Endocannabinoid System, can represent a very valuable tool for the relief of back pain, thanks to its different properties and effects:
  • Analgesic effect : thanks to its activity on the TRPV receptors responsible for pain transmission, CBD helps relieve back pain, both in its mildest forms and in its most chronic forms or those involving neuropathic pain. (9)
  • Anti-inflammatory effect : CBD is able to modulate the body's inflammatory response, stimulating or inhibiting according to needs and acting both at the muscular and bone level and also on the Nervous System. (6) (7)
  • Regenerative effect : If back pain is due to muscle injuries, CBD can help stimulate and optimize tissue regeneration so that recovery is faster and more effective. (10) (11)
  • Muscle relaxing effect : thanks to its hypotensive, vasodilatory and antispasmodic properties, CBD promotes muscle relaxation, which is very important to facilitate rest, especially when experiencing small contractures and muscle fatigue related to back pain. (12)
  • Mental relaxing effect : CBD is an excellent mental relaxant, partly due to its hypotensive property and above all due to its involvement with the physiological systems involved in emotional and mental processes. The mental relaxing effect promotes rest and helps relieve stress associated with the presence of pain. (13)
CBD oil helps against all types of muscle pain. Discover its benefits and properties.

Clinical Cases of CBD Use for Back Pain

Although a current clinical trial on back pain has not shown improvements with a single oral intake of 400 mg of CBD (14), there are observational studies on low back pain in which improvements in pain, stress and fear are observed, using CBD both internally and externally . (15) (16) It has also been shown that internal use of CBD helps reduce opioid use. (17) Many studies on Cannabis and back pain have been able to show significant improvements when using CBD in combination with THC, since the synergy between the two phytocannabinoids enhances their analgesic effect, being effective especially in cases of neuropathic pain. (18)

How many drops of CBD do I take for back pain?

To relieve back pain, different CBD products can be used both internally (not regulated in Spain) and externally.
  • Internal use (not regulated in Spain) : through inhalation and/or sublingual and ingested use, a systemic effect can be obtained, maximizing the benefits and effects of CBD. In the medicinal field, the sublingual form is used, very useful especially in cases of neuropathic pain associated with herniated disc or sciatica, recommending the use of a medium concentration oil (5% or 10% depending on the case) 2 or 3 times a day, starting with 1-2 drops and gradually increasing until you start to notice the effects. Before using the internal route, it is advisable to consult a specialist.
  • External use : through external use, the effect is concentrated on the area of ​​application of a product that can be an oil, a cream or a recovery balm with CBD . Although the effect is more limited to the surface of the treated area, external application can be very useful to relieve back pain, especially if accompanied by a good massage. In cases of back pain, it is advisable to apply the product 3 to 4 times a day, applying it to the area of ​​origin of the pain and around it and gently massaging until absorbed, thus ensuring a duration of the effect of 2-3 hours. Using the external route can be very useful to relieve neck pain, also helping to prevent the appearance of tension headaches, and also lower back pain, helping to maintain postural stability.


Thanks to its analgesic, anti-inflammatory and relaxing effect, CBD can help relieve the symptoms of back pain in both its acute and chronic forms, facilitating rest and physical and mental recovery and improving quality of life and daily functionality.

Is CBD safe? Precautions

CBD is a very safe substance even when used in large quantities, however, care must be taken when taking medications or if you suffer from heart or blood pressure problems. For this reason, in these cases it is always advisable to contact a health professional.


Adverse effects are usually mild to moderate in intensity and may include tiredness, drowsiness, dry mouth, dizziness and decreased appetite. Literature:
  1. https://medlineplus.gov/spanish/backpain.html
  2. https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/back-pain/
  3. https://www.rheumatology.org/I-Am-A/Patient-Caregiver/Diseases-Conditions/Living-Well-with-Rheumatic-Disease/Back-Pain
  4. https://medlineplus.gov/spanish/ency/article/003025.htm
  5. https://espanol.ninds.nih.gov/es/trastornos/forma-larga/pain-lumbar
  6. Burstein S. Cannabidiol (CBD) and its analogs: a review of their effects on inflammation. Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry. 2015 Apr;23(7):1377-1385.
  7. Hobbs, Jack & Vazquez, Allegra & Remijan, Nicholas & Trotter, Roxanne & McMillan, Thomas & Freedman, Kimberly & Wei, Yuren & Woelfel, Keith & Arnold, Olivia & Wolfe, Lisa & Johnson, Sarah & Weir, Tiffany. (2020). Evaluation of pharmacokinetics and acute anti?inflammatory potential of two oral cannabidiol preparations in healthy adults. Phytotherapy Research. 34.
  8. https://www.fundacion-canna.es/sistema-endocannabinoide
  9. Mlost, J., Bryk, M., & Starowicz, K. (2020). Cannabidiol for Pain Treatment: Focus on Pharmacology and Mechanism of Action. International journal of molecular sciences , 21 (22), 8870.
  10. Rojas-Valverde D. (2021). Potential Role of Cannabidiol on Sports Recovery: A Narrative Review. Frontiers in physiology , 12 , 722550.
  11. Isenmann, E., Veit, S., Starke, L., Flenker, U., & Diel, P. (2021). Effects of Cannabidiol Supplementation on Skeletal Muscle Regeneration after Intensive Resistance Training. Nutrients , 13 (9), 3028.
  12. Baranowska-Kuczko, M., Koz?owska, H., Kloza, M., Sadowska, O., Koz?owski, M., Kusaczuk, M., Kasacka, I., & Malinowska, B. (2020). Vasodilatory effects of cannabidiol in human pulmonary and rat small mesenteric arteries: modification by hypertension and the potential pharmacological opportunities. Journal of hypertension , 38 (5), 896–911.
  13. Henson, J.D., Vitetta, L., Quezada, M., & Hall, S. (2021). Enhancing Endocannabinoid Control of Stress with Cannabidiol. Journal of clinical medicine , 10 (24), 5852.
  14. Bebee, B., Taylor, D.M., Bourke, E., Pollack, K., Foster, L., Ching, M., & Wong, A. (2021). The CANBACK trial: a randomized, controlled clinical trial of oral cannabidiol for people presenting to the emergency department with acute low back pain. The Medical journal of Australia , 214 (8), 370–375.
  15. Xantus, G., Zavori, L., Matheson, C., Gyarmathy, VA, Fazekas, LM, & Kanizsai, P. (2021). Cannabidiol in low back pain: scientific rationale for clinical trials in low back pain. Expert review of clinical pharmacology , 14 (6), 671–675.
  16. Eskander, J.P., Spall, J., Spall, A., Shah, RV, & Kaye, AD (2020). Cannabidiol (CBD) as a treatment of acute and chronic back pain: A case series and literature review. Journal of opioid management , 16 (3), 215–218.
  17. Nielsen, S., Sabioni, P., Trigo, JM, Ware, MA, Betz-Stablein, BD, Murnion, B., Lintzeris, N., Khor, KE, Farrell, M., Smith, A., & Le Foll, B. (2017). Opioid-Sparing Effect of Cannabinoids: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Neuropsychopharmacology: official publication of the American College of Neuropsychopharmacology , 42 (9), 1752–1765.
  18. Kim, TE, Townsend, RK, Branch, CL, Romero-Sandoval, EA, & Hsu, W. (2020). Cannabinoids in the Treatment of Back Pain. Neurosurgery , 87 (2), 166–175.