CBD, honey and atopic dermatitis

El CBD, la miel y la dermatitis atópica
Hi! I'm Christina , Product Developer at The Beemine Lab. Today I'm going to share a little bit of my personal experience with my skin, honey, and CBD.

Dermatitis and my skin

I have atopic dermatitis , also known as atopic eczema, is a skin condition that affects 2-5% of adults and 10-20% of children worldwide . It is a chronic disorder characterized by dry, flaky, irritated skin . The biggest problem is the itching, which makes us scratch and causes the skin to become flaky and dry. There are many types of dermatitis, however, there are few options to relieve symptoms . Doctors do not know exactly what causes dermatitis . It is known that atopic dermatitis is an autoimmune disease , meaning that the immune system itself becomes the damaging factor and attacks healthy tissues and/or organs . In addition, a number of factors are known, such as genetics, and a wide variety of environmental triggers that make our skin respond with a high level of inflammation, causing symptoms such as itching and dryness. Atopic dermatitis , sensitivity, rare infections , fevers ... I have it all . My skin is like Murphy's Law, everything that can go wrong, goes wrong. However, atopic dermatitis is the problem that has lasted the longest for me. Also, and I know I'm not alone in this, it's an affliction that's not the end of the world but it can make life very uncomfortable and going out on the street a real problem. When I was 12 I had eczema on my face for a whole year and nobody didn't bully me about it, it was horrible.

Looking for a natural remedy in honey for atopic dermatitis

I want to tell you about the experience I had last summer and how the Hani+ CBD and Honey Moisturizing Cream and Basic 3% CBD Oil saved my week. I spent that week in the countryside working on a project . I was itchy from ragweed (I'm allergic) and I was out in the sun , and even though I put on high factor sunscreen I was burning. My neck, hands and arms were completely peeling, irritated and red. Sometimes going out of our normal routine stresses our skin . Just by being out of my routine for a week, my skin was betraying me. 4 days using Beemine for dermatitis I started applying the CBD Honey Moisturizer every night , 1 layer and then another layer, then a couple of drops of the Basic 3% CBD Oil. I did that on my neck and the inside of my arms. Then on my hands, right on the finger, I applied the Hani+ (CBD honey) and put a bandage on. Within two days my skin was back to normal.

CBD and Honey: The Natural Remedy for My Dermatitis

Being a person who has had dermatitis all my life, I have been to thousands of dermatologists and they have always told me to put on lots of cream, take warm showers, try to reduce stress and then they prescribed me creams full of corticosteroids and steroids . The problem with corticosteroids and steroids is that they are inhibitors and block natural processes . CBD offers a natural solution , without serious side effects, that regulates the processes and helps us achieve balance in our skin . Our skin is full of cannabinoid receptors and CBD helps activate our endocannabinoid system through these receptors that we have in the skin. To learn about the synergy of CBD with our skin, you can see our blog: The benefits of CBD for the skin . However, there are several key points to keep in mind . Our enemies are: the sun, stress and the lowering of our defenses. Since it is recognized that atopic dermatitis is related to our immune system, strengthening it is important. Here is a blog with 8 easy ways to strengthen the immune system . One factor that is super important is consistency . It is important that you put a little of your magic formula on the affected areas every day - such as Moisturizing Cream , CBD Oil and Hani+ . If you have atopic dermatitis, you know that remedies are not miraculous, you have to listen to your skin, find your routine and your magic formula. And get rid of stress, which really kills! I continue to test new products and research the therapeutic benefits of Cannabis, CBD, honey and how these can alleviate dermatitis and other daily afflictions. I will keep you posted! See you next time! Written by: Christina Schwertschlag Edited by: Claudia Nicolas Sources:
  1. American Academy of Allergy Asthma & Immunology